[Page 258]
on the same terms as it has been agreed to grant one to the New Zealand Company;
– and in a paper which accompanied that Letter you proceed to give an exposition
of your views generally on the subject of Colonization.
In respect of a Government Loan for the purpose pointed out
by you, Mr. Gladstone has given your proposal his consideration, but he thinks
it right to add that he is not prepared to hold out an expectation that such a scheme will be adopted.
With regard to your suggestion that Government should
afford a free passage to every recently married couple between the ages of
Twenty and Thirty, who can show that a prospect in any Colony is opened
to them, you are probably aware that the Government already to a certain
extent recognize and act upon the principle of a preference to persons of this
description without children.
I have the Honor to be
your most obedient Servant
(signed) Lyttelton
See overleaf
No. 11
Downing Street 20th. February 1846
I am directed by Mr. Secretary Gladstone to acknowledge the receipt of
your Letter of the – Inst, and to acquaint you that he has at present nothing
to add to the communication which was addressed to you by his direction,
on the 5th. Inst., on the subject of the resumption of Emigration to New South Wales.
I am Sir,
your obedient humble Servant
(signed) Lyttelton
Lieut. Col. Macarthur
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