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Tuesday [crossed through - Wednesday] Novr. 14th

but thinking it might be a plan and that Durack had communicated the occasions of our quarrels to McLarty I
kept out of the way and did not go. I should have declined going even if asked as I thought and still think it was
planned to try and catch me in some way only I can hardly fancy that McLarty would be so
mean as to lend himself to such a scheme though Durack would be quite capable of concocting such.
At any rate I intend to do no work of the kind nor anything pertaining to it until I have gone to Sydney
and had matters settled there between us one way or another. Mr. Adams, the Surveyor General
NSW will be the best judge of my potency to conduct a party over the country through which
we have gone and to him I shall refer on arriving at Sydney. Gave McLarty
remainder of bottle of carbolic acid. Sid who took out some for himself [indecipherable]
about half of what was left so McLarty had about 1/4. Foley and McDermott from
their station was here today. We are to be off tomorrow I believe to Beagle Bay.
Durack wants to divide the horses, pack saddles, etc. and Sid came to me yesterday to hear what I had to say
about it. I said I considered the whole belonging to the company and that the horses should be left here and the pack saddles left
or taken but not divided until arriving at Sydney when all the company could be [indecipherable]. I thought this was due to more
mainly as premature of the whole affair. So this morning Sid spoke to Durack told him
he did not think it would be advisable to divide the horses and other things. Then Durack whose little game I did not understand said
the horses would have to be sold. But I did not see the necessity for they would not have to be sold if they were divided whether they be
sold because they are not divided. Some little adage in this which has been connected between Kilfoyle and Durack
and when cut and dried put before Sid. I have succeeded in putting medicines and all things into two boxes
instead of three as hitherto. Boils rather bad today but not much so if it is high tide having regard

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