



Status: Complete



Today we have come to our last bit of hay and our last bucket of water. In fact
we are getting ships water. This evening we landed 21 horses two having died as I have said
through neglect and ignorance. The scene of the landing would have made a beautiful illustration for one of the papers.
We were obliged to allow about 150 yards from the banks and these were greasy sloping
mud banks so I suggested that branches of trees should be cut and laid upon the bank.
Kilfoyle then suggested that the upper and most boggy part where the branches were laid should be covered
with an old sail. This was done and a passible roadway made for we were afraid the horses would be
bogged if not thus assisted, they were so weak with over a month's confinement on board ships
of various kinds and standing so long without any opportunity of lying down. We had landed
only about eight of the number when darkness came upon us. A large fire was kindled on the bank
near the landing place, a tow rope made fast to a tree then as each horse was lifted from
the hold of the ship by means of a sling and the winch it was lowered over the side and towed ashore.
Some plunged and kicked others went quietly. Three men that were in the boat one of
whom immedately the horse was in the water took hold of the halter another loosened the sling and the
third pulled the boat to the landing place by means of the towing rope. Some of the horses swam well
some had to be towed merely floating on their side quite passive while others seemed to be frightened and
plunged [indecipherable] till it seemed as though they would swamp the boat.
There was also one man on shore who at the boat approaching took the halter and guided the horse up
the platform of tree boughs covered with canvas and he had as indeed all had plenty to
do. There was no one on board ship who was not busily employed except

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