Go you this day, one and all and do likewise and no longer flatter yourselves in your own Eyes, but rend your Hearts and not your [indecipherable] and here unto ye find your God, and He will have mercy upon you & abundant pardon for Jes Cx sake - He will then enter into a covenant with you adopt you into his family & make you heirs & joint heirs of all the promises of the Gospel - & finally bring you safe to the heaven of rest where all tears shall be wiped from off all eyes & when you shall be for ever at rest -
[indecipherable] 2 Chr 23/10-11
Now it was in my heart etc
Pauls 13/11-42
June 18 1815
[Following is scribbled upside down on page]
25 Oct. John William & Mary - Wood - [indecipherable]
Upon Covetousness. Upon Covetousness Luke 12/15
Pat Bathurst 12/11-26
12 Luke 15
[Note: images do not show words near the left margin of the page] Take heed & beware of Covetousness for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth
A more subtle or distinctive [indecipherable]is not to be found in the human [indecipherable] than that spoken of in our [indecipherable] - Our Lord who knew what was [indecipherable] man thought it right to warn his disciples against this sin in particular - The circumstance which gave rise to the command as is contained in the words were simply these - Two Brothers had contended about the right of inheritance with one who very probably came to it by
law - the right of law had taken possession while the other might have claimed a part on account of his labours or from other causes principally those of covetous -ness applied for his share & seeing or hearing of the wonderful powers Jesus Christ Our Lord he applies to him to speak the word only & he should obtain he so much desired - The reply contained a severe rebuke which pointed out the depravity of the mans heart it afforded a clear view of the false notions of the world - Who made me a judge or a divider over you i.e I have not
do with cases of this nature you have your laws & your Judges regular ly appointed to them you should take these matters mine is purely of a spiritual nature - & to show you this I will convince you of my omniscient power & turning to the people he told them to beware of the cry ing sin of the day which was covetousness & by a series of parables & ex= planations he proved to them the great [indecipherable] of laying up a treasure here [indecipherable] [indecipherable] etc. His variations are so simple - his proofs so convincing & similarly elegant that we should only