enter into his [indecipherable] we come now in the 2nd place to point out the best means of averting his wrath. Repentance towards God and faith in Christ are the only means presented by God but it is not a slight and superficial use of these means that will suffice - we should solemnly devote our selves to God in a perpetual Covenant. We should give up ourselves to him - we should say with the prophet turn [indecipherable] and so shall we be turned. Save then us and so shall we be saved, for thou are the Lord our God. Repentance is not even our own [indecipherable] - this is the Gift of God but we are commanded to call upon him for it. God will pour out a Spirit of Grace and [indecipherable] upon House of David and upon the Inhabit -ants of Jerusalem. This is an exceeding great and precious promise
and as repentance is the Gift of God as Faith is also his Gift. Faith reveals to the Soul the Sufficiency, and Suitableness of the Savr. There is no means by which we can be delivered from the divine wrath, but thro faith in the Son of God we must believe in him whom God hath sent but we shall never believe [indecipherable] on the Son of God, till we are fully convinced of our miserable State without. My Brethren what think ye of Xt. what do you think of his Person, and of his works. The Ap. tells us that he is God over all blessed for ever more - and that he [indecipherable] for many that he died the just for of [indecipherable] [indecipherable] right Hand [indecipherable] unjust to loving us [indecipherable] to God. But many of you have never given these all important subjects; on which your eternal Interests are so much involved one moments serious Consideration but you
have lived after the flesh, you have been following the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and we by nature and Practise Children of wrath. Be entreated to call upon God that he may give you Repentance towards him and faith in his Sn. that you perish not.
We come now in the 3rd place to urge upon you to adopt the means pointed only to avert the divine wrath many thousands, in the Christian faith are negligent at present in hopes of a more convenient Season. The natural feelings of their Consciences tell them that they ought repent, and that they must repent at one Period or at another, this duty they hope to perform, but this is not the convenient Season to begin this painful task, they must wait a little longer till they have got this and the other little arrange ments made and then they will begin
to seek after God. This false Reasoning has been the Ruin of millions of Souls - who can assure himself that he shall live "till to morrow" - many are called away into the eternal world every day by one means or another without any warning - Sudden deaths happen every day and there are loud calls to the living to lay it to Heart. If we do not begin to repent to day shall we have any more Inclination to perform this duty to morrow were we sure if we should live till to morrow or that God will grant us the aids of his Spirit to morrow, wich we despise to day. The voice of God to every one is , seek me to day while it is called to day. Seek [indecipherable] he may be [indecipherable]. If we neglect to do this we cannot expect to escape the wrath of God. The old world was destroyed in the days of Noah because they believed not
Noah that Preacher of Rightness, who warned them of the approaching deluge 120. Tho' God threatened long, yet he executed his wrath to the uttermost in the End. Sodom was destroyed also, because they laugh -ed at Gods Threatenings as Idle Tales. What has happened to the old world, and to Sodom will come upon all the finally [indecipherable] in the End. There are no means by which the wicked can escape. A few days, or weeks or years at the furthest will open to your view all the awful realities of the invisib le world before God you must appear. he now notes down in his Book of Remembr ance all your Sins, however lightly you may think of them when you commit them and however soon you forget them, not one Sin you have committed will be forgotten they will all be brought into Judgment
and exhibited before men and angels. Daniel speaking of the general Resurrection says some shall rise to everlasting Shame and contempt. The wicked would be ashamed even now if all their works of darkness were only known to their fellow Creatures but what Shame will they feel when they come to be laid all open before the Judge of quick and dead. Sin will then appear to be that dreadful thing which it is represented in Scripture to be. God will then appear to be that Roaring Lion, and Hell that place of torments which the Scriptures declare. Infidels will then no longer scoff at Religion and ask where is the Promise at his
[indecipherable] will then appear as they nearly have and the wicked will be in darkness for ever. Since these things are so, what manner of Persons ought we to be? we should surely awake to righteousness we should no longer go on in Sin: but we should this day come to a full determi nation by God's Help to turn unto him with all our Hearts, and make a Commit ment to the Lord God of Israel. He is now wanting to be gracious. we may now obtain his mercy - we are still where pardons may be had. Jesus still lives to intercede for transgressions, and we may now pray, and receive an answer but this will not be our State long. These Privileges we shall not long enjoy. Our days will soon come to an End and if we should be found without [indecipherable] then
we shall be for ever undone. I beg now to recommend what you have heard this day to your serious Consideration and may you be suitably impressed with these important truths, may they influence you to depart from evil and bring forth in you the fruits of good living for his name Sake - Should you still disregard the word of God, and do wickedly - there will remain for you no more [indecipherable]for Sin - I fear many of you have not [indecipherable]most distant Idea of leading a new Life - you have no intention to break off your Lives but you mean to harden your Hearts against all the gracious Invitations of divine Love and mercy and follow the design of your own minds, and seek only the Gratification of your own Lusts - neither Judgments nor mercies have any Influence upon you to make you better men or women - but all are lost upon you
for ever ere long you will be cut down as [indecipherable] to the Ground - The Command will go forth to know his Purpose. What will you do in that awful Hour? To which of the Saints will you turn? where will you fly for Refuge when divine wrath is following you - when once you have past the verge of time you cannot return again to repent, and believe the Gospel, and to prepare for Heaven. All will be over with you then. Consider how near you are the eternal world and how soon you may be driven away - "flee now from ye wrath to come - Pray to God this day like one of old, what [indecipherable] not teach thou me, and if I have done Iniquity I will do it no more divine Goodness will be ready to hear and answer you when you make your supplication - all who are now in Glory, once mighty God by humble Prayer - They all were Sinners and saw and felt themselves to be [indecipherable] end, they all in [indecipherable] ever sought after God, that their Souls might be saved