File 4: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 8096-8750, ca. 1825-ca. 1900



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have [text obscured] as a weakness which as Cx'ns & men we ought not to encourage

It is true that all our feelings & Passions be regulated; but those of pity & compassion may be cherished without sinning -- Those who would attempt to cavil & deny its [text obscured] go to Bethany & to Calvary and behold the sorrows of Jes suffering and dying the just for the unjust -

2. How lovely is the char' of Jes X't Nothing more endears a man of exalted rank than his entering with the sorrows suff'gs of the poor & mean & alleviating the woe - but here is one who is higher than the highest archangels stooping to enter into sorrows & sympathizing with the distress of a bereaved family - How is it then that many of us think so lightly of Jesus. The great reason is that we love sin & pleasure & hate every thing that is opposed to vital godliness

If the [text obscured] condemn our practices - if he sanctioned our opinions over follies & vices in this world promised us something like a Mohammed a paradise in the next all would be well all admire his character & instead of [indecipherable] him his services his gospel his ministry his ordinances we should uphold & embrace them all & applaud

We may infer lastly - That they who friends of this compassionate God may find in the tenderness of his heart a serene unfailing source of encouragement & consolation

Where is that Jes now who once wept with Mary & Martha at the grave of their Bro? - He is rather at the right hand of the Majesty on high - How is he employed there. He ever liveth to make intercession for us. He remembers Bethany & the garden & feels for all his people's wants: the

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[First 2 lines obscured]

my every want & shares in all my grief & sorrows - This thought is [indecipherable] & encouraging He is willing to receive every mourning penitent & to minister that blessing to them which he promised to every mourning & cannot hold too high a place in our the more such thoughts are cherished the more shall we enjoy the blessing of Religion the Grace peaceful shall be in tribulation & thoughtful in [indecipherable]

It will make our heavenly friend dearer to our hearts. It will increase our after heaven & give a new & [indecipherable] -able sweetness to our communion with Faer. & the Son. But to the

Christian. Chap. 29, No. 10.11 Now it was in my Heart to make a Covenant [indecipherable] A truly pious man will not be satisfied to be serving God in his Closet - he will feel it incumbent upon him to exert his influence bring others also to a sense of their duty to preach the Gospel belongs only to those who are called to it, for no man says [indecipherable] taketh this honor upon himself - but he which is called of God as was Aaron but all who are possest of Authority in Society according to their Station, Parents, masters magistrates and Governors shd use that authority for promoting virtue & Religion Christians of all ranks & descriptions shd exhort one another, while it is called to pray to prepare to meet their Gd. we have a noble example set before us in the [indecipherable] not of Hezekiah as soon as he came to the throne

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he immediately began to correct the abuses that had crept into the divine worship, and to restore the pure worship of the God of israel he destroyed the gods, and broke down all the Allars which the Israelites had in former periods set up. He trusted in the Lord God of Israel the Prophet, so if after him there were more like him among all of Kings of juda. He invited all both ministers and People to make a solemn Covenant to God in order to avert the divine wrath from them for says he our fathers have fallen by the Sword, and our sons and daughters and our wives are in Captivity now it is in my Heart says the first King to make a Covenant of Lord God of Israel from these words we will endeavour to show when we have reason to apprehend if God's Anger is waxed hot against us -

by point out if best means of averting his wrath - I urge you to adopt the means -

Show when we have Reason etc we cannot in all cases determine how far a Dispensation may be sent in Anger or love, but in general we may say that God is greatly incensed; against both a nation and individuals when their Sins are multilied against him. Sin is invariably the object of God's Abhorrence - he cannot look upon Sin with any allowance. This truth is so evident it needs no Confirm ation - It needs only to be applied with power to our Hearts and Conscience. We all know this to be the Case, from what we all see and hear and do what lamentable depravity prevails every part of Society. There is no Sin however heinous which is not practised without Remorse amongst us If we look into our own bosoms what

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Reason for Repentance do we find every days Report recording some dreadful Sin or other Committed. What ingratitude are we guilty of for mercies received. how kind how gracious God hath been to us - how hath his mercy followed us all our days - how many here wd. now have been lifting up their Eyes in Torments, had not God in a very unexpected way, i may add, very wonderful manner interposed on their behalf. Some had forfeited their lives to the Laws of their [indecipherable], and might justly expect to suffer for their Crimes others have been brought by beliefs or Accident to the very Gates of death, when in a State totally unprepared to meet their God, and have unexpectedly been raised up again, and their lives prolonged. God hath given them fresh Seasons of Grace and Mercy, fresh opportunities to repent and turn to him. Yet all will not do - the good etc

where is the man or woman that has sincerely repented of one Sin which they have committed against God. Men may be sorry for their Sins are brought to the Knowledge their fellow Creatures, and may be ashamed of them and wish that they had never committed them, on account of the Punishment which attends them, while at the same time they are totally unconcerned that they have sinned against God. God is not in all their thoughts, tho he is greatly to be feared. Which of you have ever been broken and contrite Heart smote upon your breasts, urging God to be merciful to me a Sinner. Oh what Rebellion against God have you to repent of - what contempt of his blessed Son Jes Ct who came into the world to die for you - what powerful Resistance have you made to the blessed Spirit -

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how have you grieved him, and sinned against him - you have despised the Father's [indecipherable] the Son's Sacrifice, and the Spirits influence how great, and complicated is your Guilt. Shall not God be ere long revenged on you will not he bring you into [indecipherable] for these things, and what will you do. God often sends temporal Afflictions to awaken us to a Sense of our duty and to bring us to true Repentance, It is no small Punishment for Sin, when men are torn by Hand of public Justice from their Country their Kindred and their Friends. If this Affliction fails to produce the desired effect and to bring them to remember their Evil ways and their doings etc there is little hope that such Persons will ever repent. The strongest Tokens of divine will

which we can know in this [indecipherable] is when God moves men to the natural Blindness and hardness of their Hearts when he once says [indecipherable] is given to Idols let him alone when men feel little, or no remorse for Sins committed, but can make a mock at Sin and roll it as a sweet morsel under their tongue - then they are in the most awful state. This is an evident token that God is departed from them in his wrath Oh how ought we to pray that this may never be our Case and to join with our Church in saying "from all Hardness of Heart from all [indecipherable], and from all contempt of thy word good Lord deliver us". Let all here present examine themselves - let them learn what feelings they have toward God, and Religion - in this their day of visitation and no longer harden their Hearts against God - lest he swear in his wrath that they shall never

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