File 4: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 8096-8750, ca. 1825-ca. 1900



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which is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle & easy to be full of many & good fruits without partiality & without hypocrisy - III. It has respect not to some Commandments but to all - These (said Christ) to them should ye have done & not have left the other undone for he that wilfully offends in one point is guilty of all. Then (says David) shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandments - IV. Their righteousness was grounded in fruits - They did all to be seen of men. The true Christian's is done in humility. For God has a respect unto the lowly but the ground he beholdeth afar off - They sought to be idolized by the work while the Christian desires to approve himself unto God -

They built upon their own merits and alas they were altogether vile & abomina ble - The Christian builds upon his loss In a word they had no faith inChrist whilst the Christian is justified by faith alone & lives by faith in the Son of God - But without faith it is im -possible to please God. - They were strangers to the love of God they were never born from above - Whilst it is that heavenly principle from which the Christian acts altogether. The love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him" - Hence his accep tance his peace his walk with God on earth & the blessed hope laid up for him in heaven -

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Let us now attend to the text and apply the subject to ourselves - Hear every one of you - The Judge of all the earth hath declared that except your right -eousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes & Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of heaven - Are there not some here whose minds are seldom occupied with a single thought about Religion [indecipherable] like you care for none of these things - What says God unto you "Woe be to you that are at ease in Zion - "Tremble ye humans that are at ease be troubled ye careless ones Ye laugh now - How soon will ye

lament & mourn - Your righteousness exceedeth not: it falls short of that of the Jew for they took much pains but how many of you take none Oh then how much more tolerable will it be for Scribes Pharisees nay for Sodom & Gomorrah in the day of Judgment than for you - Yet what became of them They are set forth as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire Then are others here perhaps a step farther from God - Those who indulge in various sinful worldly entertainments or amusements -The sentence is gone forth against you - You

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are carnally minded & "to be carnally minded is death" - You seek your friendships & pleasures in the world & such friendships are enmity against God - How soon will all the pomp & gaiety of the world be brought down How soon will all these scenes of vanity be exchanged for weeping lamen -tation & woe - How much are you to be pitied You are held in the chains of this world and that God alone whose presence you fled: he alone, can deliver you - See how Satan leads you captive at his will when you do not resist him -

Oh how many are violating the true commands of God committing iniquity with greediness perhaps laughing at religion & mocking the servants of God - Those Scribes & Pharisees would not have been found eating with sinners & yet they were excluded from heaven What then will your place be who delight to dwell with the wicked & ungodly - to use their vulgar language their oaths & [indecipherable] What sorrows & anguish await you You who can dwell with the [indecipherable] who can dwell with the everlasting burning - Blessed is the who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the

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the way of Sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful - But some amongst us imagine themselves righteous nay perfect & worship at the shrine of their own vanity - but there is a storm coming that will make you tremble compare the work of these Pharisees with yours - They prayed at least for seven times a day & often hours together they fasted two days in the week and gave much alms - and yet mark what Jes Cst saith "Verily I say unto you that publicans & harlots shall go into the kingdom of heaven before you" - Those of you who pretend to be so good & so holy what say you to this -

Probably with one of old you are ready to answer "what profiteth them if we be righteous or why should we care how many or great our crimes are?

But wait a little the Son of God does not discourage good works or encour age evil - far from it nothing is clearer than this that we shall all be rewarded or punished according to our works - All faithful preachers call upon their hearers to be careful to maintain good works - What is to be understood is simply this - that we are all by nature sinful & wicked & can never attain to righteousness or produce any good works until we come

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as guilty sinners to Jes Cst and obtain of him grace to do his will from the heart - And this is precisely what what our Lord meant when he drew the comparison between the Scribes & Pharisees & Publicans & Harlots - The former fancied themselves good or righ -teous; the latter confessed themselves sinners & hence they were more easily brought to seek deliverance by him & in his own appointed way. \And thus we find this doctrine established that the righteous and they & only those who believe in the Lord Jes Christ. By faith

alone is his perfect righteousness imputed to them. For He is the Lord our Righteous and faith, the work of His Spirit; is the root & spring of their righteousness nay of every good word & work for faith justifieth the heart worketh by love & overcometh the world I am aware this is not a palatable doctrine - but it is the Word of the Bible And this is the righteouness which distinguishes God's people on earth & that alone which will be rewarded or acknowledged in heaven - There is therefore now no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but

Last edit over 2 years ago by ghgormley
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