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the day of wrath - He knows the pride
of our hearts - the impetuosity of our
tempers the hastiness of our disposi=
=tions - the impropriety of our words
the motives which guide our actions. The
secret springs from which they flow [indecipherable]
hidden from ourselves are all open
before him - "He knows the thoughts I
mean to speak Ere from my opening
lips they break"- If such be his wis=
=dom our duty is clear & simple we should
watch over our thoughts words & actions
try them frequently by the unerring
rule of his word & pray fervently

[MS 8565]

against every besetting sin of this na=
=ture - - What a world we live in & how
thoughtlessly do we proceed - unmindful
of the God who made us & regardless of
the presence of that Being who watches
over our path , marks our footsteps
& beholds all our ingratitude - He has
remembered us in Mercy & visitied us
with Salvation and yet he finds us
still a rebellious & stiff necked peo=
=ple - He has not witheld his own dear
Son but has gaven him up for us all - he
has proferred his spirit & given his
blessed word & his ordinances - but have
we not negected the one & dispised the
other - Example & precept are not
wanting on His part but they are

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