God appeared 1 In their strict observance of
the Sabbath day; such was their strictness that
they were not satisfied with the manner
in which the Son of God himself observed
it - 2 Is their constant attendance in the
sanctuary of God even several hours in
the day 3 Is their continuing instant
in progress five times a day in the Temple
three times a day in their chamber & often in
the private places in the streets, and about
the corners of the temple - 4 In their
regular & faithful payment of tithes -
Tithes were of God's own appointment and
hence they gave tithes of all they possess
5 In the mortification of all their mem
-bers that are upon earth for which
purpose they fasted two days in a week
6 In instructing the people diligently out
of the law & lastly in their services de
portment becoming gravity & regularity of
life - But let us pass on to their observance
of the second table or their upright - and with
in the sight of men - This may be done
briefly - They considered themselves as to the
letter of the Law blameless; they separated
from the company of open sinners & thus
far they came out of the world: they were
remarkable for giving much alms nay
more; as before remarked they "were beau
tiful to look at" even so said the
sinless Son of God - II May we not, then,
with some degree of surprise enquire
how he could denounce so many woes
against them & assume all professing
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