these words ought to be brought home to
our heart so that we might strictly
examine our lives; lest on the one
hand we fall into the sin of self right
-ousness & pride or on the other into
lukewarmness or indifference - Did these
men after all "their works & fastings
prayers find the gate of heaven closed
against them - Are they after all lift
-ing up their eyes where hope never
comes - Whither then are we going
Where will our lot be at the last -
What says your concience to these
things? Is there no fear that too
many of us fall short of their
righteousness? Is there no reason to
fear that too few of us exceed it - Yet
the Lord the Righteous, Judge of all
the earth hath spoken the word "Except
your Righteousness [indecipherable]" - Let us then
enquire I What their righteousness was
II Where it was defective which will
lead us IIIIII to shew in what respects
ours must exceed it if we would
have a place in the kingdom of
heaven - Let us then enquire
or examine II into the righteousness of
these Scribes & Pharisees, what was their Piety
towards God & their moral behaviour in
the sight of men - Their piety towards
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