and appearances & yet never enter the
Kingdom of Heaven - The Persons our
Lord speaks of are the Scribes & Pharisees
who were thought to be the most holy
& righteous people amongst the Jews
and the Jews were at that time a nation
whom God had separated from the rest
of the world to be His peculiar
people - To look at them every thing
seemed to be in their favour. Their
strictness was such that many of
them supposed & some of them decla
red that they had walked in all
the Commandments of the Law Blameless
Instance the ruler who came to Church
who said all these things have I kept from my youth
and Paul himself before his Conversion.
With the People also they have so excel
lent a character that it was a common
saying amongst the Jews that if only two
men upon earth should be found fit
to enter into heaven one of them would
be a Pharisee nay more so amia
ble was their outward deportment that
our Lord himself declared they
were "beautiful to look at" - yet here
in addressing all his followers, those then
present with others to the end of the
world nay to all who should profess to believe
on him through their word to these he solemnly
declares - "Except your righteousness
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