




Germany 3rd Army

Dear Sir I hope you will not mind the informality of this letter, but after a couple of years in the army I have forgotten really how to put things correctly.

I received a letter from the University today and it talked about things that have been on my mind for some time.

I finished five quarters at school and since then I put in two terms of advanced engineering in ASTP. When I get back I want to study industrial engineering, but I want to get my degree as soon as possible as I would like to get started in regular business.

There are some things that will hold me back though. For example I have not taken heat in beginning physics or [survey?]

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson


yet. I completed thermodynamics at the University of Utah in ASTP and I am working in [survey?] in the army. Is it possible to get credit or excused from taking those two lower division subjects?

I believe there will be a lot of us after the war who will come back mainly for finishing up and not as we first came to college to have a lot of outside fun as well as education.

The letter also spoke about housing. Myself I plan on being married when I come back to school. I don't know how many others will return the same way, but I imagine it will be quite a few.

I have tried to quickly cover the subjects you have mentioned. The main thing is that I would like to have things [mold?] back in my old program so much as

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson


[?]. If Stanford will accept my transcripts for ASTP in [Utah?] I believe that I'll be able to start right in where I left off.

I have found that everywhere I went in the United States and in Europe the name of Stanford meant something. Not so much to the army as it did to people in civilian life. I'm really very proud that I can say that I attended it and that I plan on returning.

Sincerely, Robert Twombly

Last edit almost 6 years ago by rdobson
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