


Status: Indexed

year old boy whom we all adore,
and he thought it was a
huge joke. They are very fragrant
and I enjoy them entirely too
much for my own peace of mind.
I hope no one else presents me
with Egyptian cork-tips. I'm liable
to become an inveterate smoker -
I, who only a month or so ago,
told you I didn't see how you
like to smoke - it seemed
such a dirty habit. But now I
see very clearly why you
like it - in fact it was in order
to see that I learned how. And
I'll be willing to wager that you
won't like to see me smoke.
The Presidio is quarantined again
and now such an era of crabbing
as will commence. No more
visits to town, no more callers,
no more booze, no more furloughs!
It is hard on them, poor kids!
We're getting lots of new patients in

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