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Personal accounting on home computers
just won't work. You need an adviser
so even if people could do it at home,
there's no one to promote it, because
there are only 8000 motivated fin planners.

[highlight]This book deals with CLOSURE.
The first half of my story in Seattle
(1982-1983) is firmly closed as of
writing the first part of this book.[/end highlight]
Now even Sort has passsed away to the
business languages group
, (It's funny
that most of my business languages
stuff went away in early 84 when I got
new furniture, and the last part (Sort)
went away when I finished the dining room.)

Since Nov '83 I've concentrated
on Personal Accountant. The period
until Aug '84 is recounted in the
previous book, and I felt a lot
of closure from on the awful winter '84
by writing about it in Aug '84.

After that I wrote a lot of code
and set up my financial model + Bob's,
by April 1. Then refined it until mid May.
The last 2 months (recounted herein)
have been very different with lots
of shopping and planning.

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