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Welcome to the remains of Tintagel Castle in beautiful rustic Cornwall, England. As you can tell, there isn't much of it left, and as you can guess, they charge an outrageous price for admission, but we had a lot of fun clamoring about it (that's really an English phrase) anyway. The rock that it sat on sits away from the coast proper, and therefore gives a beautiful view up and down the coastline for a long way (we were there on a fairly clear, windy day so we could almost see forever) and the cliffs and rocks covered with green grass up against the blue sea make a beautiful contrast (I took enough pictures--you wouldn't even believe. I really get carried away when things are that beautiful, but, you only live once...) Anyway, what you can see here is about all thats left except for the foundations of a series of monastical buildings that you can miss if you don't keep your eyes open. Anyway, that was really a lot of fun, and it wasn't too cold, although the location sort of comes complete with a mean wind jus to keep you off gaurd. We also saw a cathedral at a place called Truro, and a couple of other castles, in fact the Youth Hostel we stayed at one night was inside the walls of a castle, so we went outside and watched the sunset over the walls on the town--it was really beautiful! I'm home again now for a 3 or 4 day rest catching up on sleep and reading for my classes, as well as seeing some things in London I haven't seen yet. Went to Hampton Court Palace today, gardens are all in bloom and it was simply gorgeous; even though the daffodils died last week. Tonight I'm seeing Death of a Salesman at the National Theatre. Only standing room, but it only costs $1.50 and it's closing night so I was relatively lucky to get that. There's not really all that much to tell about this part of the break, Mom and Dad got different news, hope you don't mind conferring, but writing the same thing over and over gets really dull. I WAS IN LONDON Again since last sentance, running errands and at the Embassy to get voter registration card (the lesser of 5 evils really but saw My Fair Lady--really quite good but I still have to see it with Rex Harrison before I come to any firm conclusions. It's Saturday Night now and I spent all of dinner talking to some guys who just got back from Russia--really interesting in many ways. My travelling companion for Scotland isn't back from [???and] yet, so that's going to be interesting, but it should all work out fine. Running out of room again. Take care and I'll write soon HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! I Love you -Vickie
Mrs. LaVerne Uecker
1303 Century Dr.
Orange, CA 94666
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