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Standford University, California, Sunday 1986
My dear Mama: Don't you think you've been treating me pretty cruelly? Don't you think you've neglected me? Doesn't it seem to you that you've forgotten that you a boy away from home? What should that boy think when his friends and relatives write and yet his own mother entirely ignores him, not caring to write just a line or two telling him how his family is. I tell you Mama
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you're not treating me right. Every day this week, and last week, too, I looked for a letter from home, but every time I inquired at the Post Office, I was either given a letter from a friend or none at all. I know you have a great deal of work to do, but yet, don't you thing you could spare a few minutes to write me just a few times? I have been very busy last week, studying hard and trying to pass the different examinations. [One?] had one in French which was a particularly hard one. I studied as I
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have never studied before. I don't know whether I passed it or not, I only hope I did. {preprinted: Stanford University, California..........................189}
This is a beautiful day. After the threatening appearance of the weather it is indeed pleasant to see and enjoy such a pleasant day. The sun rose bright and early and made everything pleasant with his flaring sun beams. After breakfast I went out upon the porch in front of the house and enjoyed a delightful sun bath while reading my book. You are, I suppose, wondering why I did not come home Friday.
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I fully intended to come home, but the weather seemed as if it was going to bring forth a deluge, and thinking that the storm was coming every minute I did not start. You can imagine my displeasure for not having gone when it cleared up. Elmo and Margy were no doubt glad of the opportunity of making $1.50.
Claude, too, was somewhat disappointed, but not more than I.
However, if it is possible, I will go down next Saturday and help him carry the Xmas papers.
Write soon
Your boy, Fre J Jewell.
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Stanford University, California, Tuesday 1896
My dearest Mama: I have just returned from school with your long delayed but doubly welcome letter in my possession. You cant imagine how glad I was to hear from you. It was just a fortnight ago since I last heard from home, and to me those two weeks of delay have been quite anxious.
You expressed confidence in my having passed that French examination. Your trust was not misplaced.
Out of a large class there were just 15 who were success-