Payne correspondence

Freshman-Sophomore reception; death of Mrs. Pease. 1895 October 6; Production of "Tribly;" Bonfire; celebration on account of decision for suit processions. 1895 October 13; Sorority question-refusal of Kappa bids. 1895 October 18; Roble reception for the faculty. 1895 October 28; Big Game; Thanksgiving Day at Stanford. 1895 November 10; Big Game results; Thanksgiving vacation and dance; course descriptions. undated; Cheating incident; possible appointment of student committee on cheating; burning of the chemical lab; Prof. Anderson's article on "Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow." 1895 December 17


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to be very good.

This morning Dr. Jordan gave us a very good talk on "Obedience" which he holds to be the main road to the ultimate Good. His remarks were very good, but they always seem to be on the same line, there is never anything uplifting or inspiring in what he says. - to me. - But Mr. Polluck of the "Bostonians" sang "Jerusalem - The Holy City -" which was inspiration - truly. A beautiful tenor voice full and smooth and satisfying and such a lovely face.

The last time that Rose and I were in San Jose together, Gertrude & Miss McK[illegible]

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be hard for him any place, and he will have to adapt himself more than he has any idea of before he makes a success of any place.

I am afraid you will think we have quite forgotten our studies when I tell you we are thinking of organizaing a whist Club of 6 girls & 6 boys to meet once a mo. or so. It is very undeveloped as yet, but 4 of us girls have played a few times and enjoy it so much, we hope to [illegible] it further.

Give my love to Aunt Clara, with a heap for your own dear self. Theodora.

[page turned] We admire your a own immensely.

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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] Oct. 18 [typed] 189 [written] 5

My dear [illegible] -

We were as glad to get your good letter last night. I had been down to San Jose' on business. Fred met me at Mr. G[illegible]'s office and we simply verified Mr. Kittredge's statements. I had my head washed at Miss Foleys and it did seem a great luxury for the water is so bad here - one has to get good water only by the pitcher full from the kitchen if you want it hot. Before I forget it - Rose and I have forgotten what we did with Mama's barrettes[?] - but i have a dim idea that I asked you to take care of them. Am I wrong? For they are not in the dress box. Rose and I have been asked to join a fraternity - the Bessie & Bertha Braling belong and are very anxious for us to. But I do not think favorab=ly of it. In fact I shall not join & Rose won't if I dont. Rose says she is sure she should feel like a bull in a China-shop. And that very aptly expresses my idea of the thing.

Yesterday when I got back Rose had made her such a cute hat, out of that black felt flax that I got last autumn. It is very dressy however, and I am right glad that she has such a stylish suitable best hat.


Have just finished reading my Science lesson and feel very very happy. Put in my black silk cre'pe for dinner - & it is such a

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pretty becoming gown since the sleeves are stiffen[illegible] and the skirt gored[?]. Rose let me wear the dainty little lace "points" on my collar and I felt very dressed. Night before last Rose & II went over to the Braleys on invitation - just to have a pleasant evening with the girls at the house. Prof.s Alledice[?] & Kellogg - spent the evenint - They made Welch rare-bit - played cards &c. And when we tho't it time to come away Mrs. Braley wouldn't hear to it - & we stayed all night much to our surprise. But Miss Thompson didn't know we were out and Mrs. B. would have taken offens if we had declined. I think she is very anxious for us to join the Cappa fraternity. - What do you think about it? I am not going to join!! Tho' I think Rose after all her adversion, is rather inclined to. Bessie showed me a collection of Vickerey's Missions of California - exquisite - photograveries[?] or some thing in that order. And I immediately thought of Miss Rhoda - wishing so much she might have a set if she has not already been satisfied in this direction. The next time I am in S. F. I will see how much they are and don't you think it would be a nice thing to give her Christmas?

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[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189

[written] 2

Last night was our Roble Reception to the Profs. and I really enjoyed it after I recovered from my stage-fright. Rose has been assistant decorator and the halls did look lovely. - A profusion of Bamboo - and little tables with flowers on them - the length of one corridor - Was the refreshment room. I felt like a cat in a strange garret at first, but when my eyes got accustomed to the strange sight I began to have a good time. Rose had sniched[?] me into my lavendar and I felt about as stiff as a stuffed saw dust doll. Rose wore her black silk decolte'[?] and looked beautiful. I took Prof. Griggs[?] bless him, out to refreshments, and the dear man said that if I was doing all the work in Ethics 3even tho' I weren't registered if I passed the exam he would give me credit it for it. Wasn't that lovely of him; And he did not know at all who I was except that I was a Payne. Prof. Hudson said he would remember to class me with the Paynes hereafter - I think he thinks you are a Payne too. Miss Jones inquired very obsequiously after you as did Mrs. Maitland. What a strong, grand woman she is! - I like her very much.

Tues. Oct. 22nd -

It seems as if purposely I had left my letter unsent until today, when I could thank you for your dear cheering letter, tho' I had in fact

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