Payne correspondence

Freshman-Sophomore reception; death of Mrs. Pease. 1895 October 6; Production of "Tribly;" Bonfire; celebration on account of decision for suit processions. 1895 October 13; Sorority question-refusal of Kappa bids. 1895 October 18; Roble reception for the faculty. 1895 October 28; Big Game; Thanksgiving Day at Stanford. 1895 November 10; Big Game results; Thanksgiving vacation and dance; course descriptions. undated; Cheating incident; possible appointment of student committee on cheating; burning of the chemical lab; Prof. Anderson's article on "Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow." 1895 December 17


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My darling Nannie -

Theodora is turning over and over in her bed waiting for me to come but I am not going to begin by not keeping my promise to write. Theodora is feeling very well after her trip up to the city, and I am too, my throat is almost well. We think of you every day & do hope your trip won't be too irksome. I have at last gotten into studying habits & have been hard at work for an examination in Milton to-morrow, Theodora says definitely she wishes I would come to bed or else put out the lights so think I had better to both, am going

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to write to Aunt Tad to-morrow.


Toodles -

Sunday - Sept 22 - '95.

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[written] Sept. 8, 1895.


[written] My dear Nannie -

Rose has just let me read her letter to you, and while I have been keenly interested, yet I feel very poorly equipped for writing my letter to you, since she has expressed it all so well: but I am not going to break my promise the very first Sunday I am here, and beside we want to know when you can come down and be with us a few days. Our little room

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is cosy and we are very happy in it.

So you didn't approve of the Japan idea. Nothing in this wide world would have prevented my going had not the business made it inspiration that I be here.

Mr. Gorkey says that since we could not make terms with - ---, there would unquestionably be a suit; which I held up my hands in horror at but he says it is the hat way to settle the whole matter: that their demands are simply highway robbery

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[written] and that her nor no one else would advise us to pay her outrageous demands. He said that there was nothing that I could testify to and that I would probably have nothing to do with it.

Rose looks very sweet in her duck suit - and I am wearing mine too.

Lida ieb has just arrived and gone to the music room to practice. - She is to practice four hours a day beside her college work!

We are all longing to begin our work. as yet we have only gotten our [illegible]

Last edit over 1 year ago by KokaKli
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