Payne correspondence

Freshman-Sophomore reception; death of Mrs. Pease. 1895 October 6; Production of "Tribly;" Bonfire; celebration on account of decision for suit processions. 1895 October 13; Sorority question-refusal of Kappa bids. 1895 October 18; Roble reception for the faculty. 1895 October 28; Big Game; Thanksgiving Day at Stanford. 1895 November 10; Big Game results; Thanksgiving vacation and dance; course descriptions. undated; Cheating incident; possible appointment of student committee on cheating; burning of the chemical lab; Prof. Anderson's article on "Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow." 1895 December 17


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[written] Nov 27 '97 39

[typed] dinner and lasting till late in the morning. Mr Allardice came out to breakfast and went to Dr. McKenzies church with us where I saw a man pull off his coat with his overcoat and left in his shirt sleeves - I simply died laughing in spite of the fact that I was with the head of the mathematics department.

After church we went out to the Presidio and roamed over the golf links where several men were playing. The view was exquisite and the air wonderfully pure and fresh, so invigorating in fact that it inspired Mr. Allardice and me with a desire to run down hill hand in hand leaving Mrs. Myrick at the top in amazment at the faculty and student good times. We got to 2345 Broadway in time for me to have a most lovely glimpse of dear Taymonville family whom I love every inch of - there we had tea and caught the 5:30 train home where Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were keeping seats for us. We made the way home shorter by "nod and beck and wreathed smiles" and games innumerablel and I reached Roble in time to find the dining room doors closed, but as I have found the good side of the cook, he treated me to hot biscuits and honey with apples and cake - quite the best lunch I ever had in Roble. Since the Kittie Haskell has made rarebit and the lights have gone out so I must hunt up my bed clothes which some of the girls have taken to the 4th floor during the vacation and make up my bed.

This Thanksgiving has been such a treat and no other one could have been half such a success because the people were just right this year to make everything so lovely. I have had such fun going over to the Pierces with Edith and Mr. Snow.Mr. Allardice and some of the Bachelor profs are nearly always over there and we have regular larks playing pillow -dex and charades or whist which scares me to death. Edith is so bright and charming that we shall miss her very much and you have no idea how jolly the awesome facultate are; quite capable of playing leap frog or indulging in soafa cushions fights or even Highland flings. I find a letter directed to Theodora in my care which I forward to her at once. She is such a dear noble girl that I respect as much as I love her and I can't say more.

Mr. Allardice took Helen Younger and me to see the new Stevenson monument in the old plaza and read to us in his broad scotch the inscription that has in it " be able to renounce without bitterness, to have a few friends without capitulations" and these two lines have gone into the happy holiday season as a kind of refrain to be always mingled with it in my memory of one of my happiest experiences, and for it all I have to thank my dear dear Nannie whome mama loves so too for giving her little girl such a good time. Please let it be my birthday treat too for it has been so full that it will do for a great many birthdays and last me a long long time. My candle is getting low so I must say Good night with a whole heartfull of thanks and love

Your Rose

Edith gave me the new girl calendar to remind me of her everyday.

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[written] 40

[typed] Sunday Dec. 12 '97

My dearest Nannie

Saturday morning bright and early my dear birthday letter from you came and I at once purchased two Stanford pins at a dollar and a quarter apiece one for Lolie and one for Rose and the rest is to go for Stanford photos to remember the dear old Alma Mater, nannie and my twenty second birthday by forever. And now I want to tell you what a beautiful birthday I had. For a week I had kept a little box in my lower bureau drawer without looking at it, supposing it to be a much desired Stanford pin. The night before I put it under my pillow with Mama's picture to be opened the first thing in the morning. All night I dreamed about my having a Stanford pin and having all kinds of dreadful things happen to it even to being stuffed in my punch. in the morning I woke up with a disappointed feeling and a wish that I were not so old that I could not be surprised any more and then sneaked down to the bathroom where to open my box by myself - when what do you suppose I found ! A most lovely pearl crescent pin and a tiny little pearl finger ring - just what I had longed for and always thought of as so far out of the range of the possible. Just imagine .' I haven't squeeled so since I used to hang up my stocking, I tore into Kittie's room to disply my pleasure and I think I never in all my life was so pleasedand I always shall be pleased anew whenever I see it and wear it - wasn't Lolie an angel? I am going to foward her little birthday note just to show you how dear she was.

The day was one of surprises - for later a box came from Mrs. Younger, Helen's mother, with two beautiful birthday cakes - prset- beautifully decorated with glazé cherries and fruits and oh they were so good .' A silver mounted crest came from Louise and a promise ofthe money for a purse from Gertrude with ever so many dear letters from the girls that happened to come on that day. So you see my cup was running over full and I am filled with a desire to be as good as I ought to be with such precious relatives. Yesterday evening was the faculty reception given by Roble, and Kit and I had a best time with the Bachelors and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce This afternoon Kit, Marylyn and I attended the Peirces smal usual Sunday afternoon gathering and had such a good time. Professors Allardice, Snow, Campbell, Young, Duninway and Dudley were all there. We wrote a composite letter of a line a piece to Mr. Allardice's supposed fiance - in which all of his idiocycrasies were detailed. Mr. Snow addressed it to Miss Milly Little Wit? Last change, Salt Lake Co., Utah.

This evening Phil Abbott is going to call - next Friday evening the Bachelors give a little card celebration to which Kit, Marylyn, Florence Pouts and I are asked. Next Saturday evening is the Theta girls reception and next Sunday Kit Marylyn and I are invited over to the Zete house to dine with Dr. and Mrs. Jordan. In the meantime I have my hands full of examinations, I suppose,although only one has so far been announced. Theodora comes down this week. Have finished the Choir invisible. Yesterday evening Mary Caldwell, Kit, Jessie Haskell and I spent the evening with Mrs. Peirce reading out loud and mending - later eating marmalade which Mrs. P. keeps on hand for my special benefit and fruit.

Thanks so much for my happy birthday

your Rose

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[written] 41

[typed] Dec. 5th 1897

My dearest Nannie

I have time for only a line and that in thanks for the dear letter which reached me Saturday - it was such an interesting one. Of course I am facinated with my ghostly Pilgrim ancestor - Edith was decended from such a quaint line and Marguerite has been looking up her ancestors so that I was wondering whether I had any or not, especially as Lida Leit has been urging me to join the daughters of the Revolution - any more interesting news of the Allertons, Mavericks and their quaint biblically named children will be most enthusiastically recieved.

This week has been a very happy one, tho' lonely without Edith. A beaufiful letter from Miss Darrah containing a most overwhelmingly lovely recommendation made me tip toe about the quadrangle with delight most of the time - other movements toward getting a school have also occupied me. I am going to apply for a possible vacancy in the Santa Cruz High school where Helen is - tho' the chances are shadowy.

I have six whopping exs in the next two weeks, and the thought of them scatters all my ideas and news - tho' I know there are twenty things I want to write you about.

Thanks for the eye prescription. I like the way it sounds and shall try it when necessary.

Your letter was so good- Theodora came down the same day for a few hours and we had such a good visit. We have been having the most heavenly weather but last night the wind shrieked around my corner and today it has rained at intervals hard.

I could just see your Thanksgiving day - and such things to eat!

Yours so lovingly Rose

Monday afternoon Dec. 6th '97

Spent yesterday afternoon at the Andersons. Fascinating Mr. Snow called Saturday night. Phil Abbott is all right too.

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[written] 42

[typed] December 26, 1897

My dearest Nannie -

This paper isn't telling the truth for I am writing at Mrs. Myricks 2345 Broadway on the day after Christmas but this is all the paper I have with me and it is my last piece. I am so sorry that I didn't get a line to reach you on Xmas day as you did me, but Nannie - I never in all my life went thru such a cyclone of daily examinations and papers in my life - some of them lasting two and three or three and half hours. But they are all over now and I think all passed, with the best one and the best mark in a general review of English literature under Dr.Flugel and Prof. Anderson. The first time that such an examination has been given in the Eng. department, so I shall feel especially stuck up over my degree. They are not granted however till January 14th. There were several final festivities - an evening spent at the Bachelors playing all sorts of gambling games with Mr. Allardice, Mr. Nash, Mr. Snow, Mr. Young, Dr. Angel, Dr. Campbell, Mr. Peirce, and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hopkins beside Florence Park, Kittie Haskell, Marylyn Main, Marie Markham and Mrs. Peirce. Then, there was a reception at the Theta House where the same little coterie met, an at Home and Mrs. Jordans, a dinner at the Zete house given by Mrs. Peirce with the Bachelors- by Mrs. Baker and best of all Christmas evening spent at Mrs. Peirce's with the Bachelors Mrs. Peirce read from the Birds Chritsmas Carol about the Ruggles family Xmas dinner, Mr. Campbell sang, we played twenty-one, prepartory to having an auction of 10cent Xmas gifts. It was great fun and we had mince pie refreshments - Kittie serving them and I made tea with the help of Mr. Allardice and Mr. Pierce. The next morning (Christmas) Theodora and I accepted Mrs. Myricks' invitation to come up here and we are having such a good time.

The Christmas dinner was so good and this morning Theodora and I went to St. Lukes to hear a sermon by Bishop Michols and a confirmation service. Kittie, Jessie and Fred Haskell are coming up to-morrow for a week and maybe Helen Younger will come too, so we are looking forward to a great lark and good time. I am going back to the university with Kittie Haskell to pack and make calls. I have joined the Teacher's agency and am overwhelmed with lovely recommendations. I applied for the English position in the Santa Cruz High School but that is not till next September. It is a difficult thing to get a position now and if I don't succeed I am going to go down to the University Tuesdays and Thursdays for Bibliography work - an Eng. History course and a general Eng. lit course. I love it up here at Mrs. Myrick's and am getting very fond of their little brown house round the corner.

Money matters are in a particularly encouraging state and oh I am so much obliged (Which doesn't half express it) for sending the letter to Mr. Gosbey about you paying Gertrude my debt. The family allowance is to be continued so I get twenty every month. I wonder if I told you about Mr. Peets death two weeks ago today. After the service in the evening an and an afternoon spent with St. Andrews brotherhood he simply fell lifeless in the lobby of the Palo Alto hotel. The day before Kittie had been with him to have such fine photos taken. She gave me one of the large ones for Christmas and I am so delighted. He was buried in the chancel of the church Bishop Nichols,Dr. Wakefield,Mr. Gassman Dr. Breuer officiating Judge Myrick sends love, and I am hurrying to finish before dinner.

Wishing you a happy New Year

Your Rose.

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