Untitled Page 532
[written] 40
[typed] Sunday Dec. 12 '97
My dearest Nannie
Saturday morning bright and early my dear birthday letter from you came
and I at once purchased two Stanford pins at a dollar and a quarter apiece
one for Lolie and one for Rose and the rest is to go for Stanford photos
to remember the dear old Alma Mater, nannie and my twenty second birthday
by forever. And now I want to tell you what a beautiful birthday I had.
For a week I had kept a little box in my lower bureau drawer without
looking at it, supposing it to be a much desired Stanford pin. The night
before I put it under my pillow with Mama's picture to be opened the first
thing in the morning. All night I dreamed about my having a Stanford
pin and having all kinds of dreadful things happen to it even to being
stuffed in my punch. in the morning I woke up with a disappointed feeling
and a wish that I were not so old that I could not be surprised any more
and then sneaked down to the bathroom where to open my box by myself - when what
do you suppose I found ! A most lovely pearl crescent pin and a tiny
little pearl finger ring - just what I had longed for and always thought
of as so far out of the range of the possible. Just imagine .' I haven't
squeeled so since I used to hang up my stocking, I tore into Kittie's room
to disply my pleasure and I think I never in all my life was so pleased-
and I always shall be pleased anew whenever I see it and wear it - wasn't
Lolie an angel? I am going to foward her little birthday note just to
show you how dear she was.
The day was one of surprises - for later a box came from Mrs. Younger,
Helen's mother, with two beautiful birthday cakes - prset- beautifully
decorated with glazé cherries and fruits and oh they were so good .'
A silver mounted crest came from Louise and a promise ofthe money for a
purse from Gertrude with ever so many dear letters from the girls that
happened to come on that day. So you see my cup was running over full and
I am filled with a desire to be as good as I ought to be with such precious
relatives. Yesterday evening was the faculty reception given by Roble,
and Kit and I had a best time with the Bachelors and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce
This afternoon Kit, Marylyn and I attended the Peirces smal usual Sunday
afternoon gathering and had such a good time. Professors Allardice, Snow,
Campbell, Young, Duninway and Dudley were all there. We wrote a composite
letter of a line a piece to Mr. Allardice's supposed fiance - in which all
of his idiocycrasies were detailed. Mr. Snow addressed it to Miss Milly
Little Wit? Last change, Salt Lake Co., Utah.
This evening Phil Abbott is going to call - next Friday evening the
Bachelors give a little card celebration to which Kit, Marylyn, Florence
Pouts and I are asked. Next Saturday evening is the Theta girls reception
and next Sunday Kit Marylyn and I are invited over to the Zete house to
dine with Dr. and Mrs. Jordan. In the meantime I have my hands full of
examinations, I suppose,although only one has so far been announced.
Theodora comes down this week. Have finished the Choir invisible.
Yesterday evening Mary Caldwell, Kit, Jessie Haskell and I spent the evening
with Mrs. Peirce reading out loud and mending - later eating marmalade which
Mrs. P. keeps on hand for my special benefit and fruit.
Thanks so much for my happy birthday
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