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[written] Nov 27 '97 39

[typed] dinner and lasting till late in the morning. Mr Allardice came out to
breakfast and went to Dr. McKenzies church with us where I saw a man
pull off his coat with his overcoat and left in his shirt sleeves -
I simply died laughing in spite of the fact that I was with the head
of the mathematics department.

After church we went out to the Presidio and roamed over the golf
where several men were playing. The view was exquisite and the
air wonderfully pure and fresh, so invigorating in fact that it inspired
Mr. Allardice and me with a desire to run down hill hand in hand leaving
Mrs. Myrick at the top in amazment at the faculty and student good times.
We got to 2345 Broadway in time for me to have a most lovely glimpse of
dear Taymonville family whom I love every inch of - there we had tea
and caught the 5:30 train home where Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were keeping
seats for us. We made the way home shorter by "nod and beck and wreathed
smiles" and games innumerablel and I reached Roble in time to find the
dining room doors closed, but as I have found the good side of the cook,
he treated me to hot biscuits and honey with apples and cake - quite the
best lunch I ever had in Roble. Since the Kittie Haskell has made rare-
bit and the lights have gone out so I must hunt up my bed clothes which
some of the girls have taken to the 4th floor during the vacation and
make up my bed.

This Thanksgiving has been such a treat and no other one could have been
half such a success because the people were just right this year to make
everything so lovely. I have had such fun going over to the Pierces
with Edith and Mr. Snow.Mr. Allardice and some of the Bachelor profs
are nearly always over there and we have regular larks playing pillow -dex
and charades or whist which scares me to death. Edith is so bright and
charming that we shall miss her very much and you have no idea how jolly
the awesome facultate are; quite capable of playing leap frog or indulging
in soafa cushions fights or even Highland flings. I find a letter directed
to Theodora in my care which I forward to her at once. She is such a dear
noble girl that I respect as much as I love her and I can't say more.

Mr. Allardice took Helen Younger and me to see the new Stevenson monu-
ment in the old plaza and read to us in his broad scotch the inscription
that has in it " be able to renounce without bitterness, to have a few
friends without capitulations" and these two lines have gone into the
happy holiday season as a kind of refrain to be always mingled with it in
my memory of one of my happiest experiences, and for it all I have to
thank my dear dear Nannie whome mama loves so too for giving her little
girl such a good time. Please let it be my birthday treat too for it has
been so full that it will do for a great many birthdays and last me a
long long time. My candle is getting low so I must say Good night with
a whole heartfull of thanks and love

Your Rose

Edith gave me the new girl calendar to remind me of her everyday.

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