Untitled Page 524



Status: Indexed

[written] May 31 '97 32

[typed] Your letter to Theodora was forwarded from San Mateo here and reached
San Jose just after she left - it has been tantalizing not to know the
contents but I shall deliver it to her to-day at the university. Theo-
must have told you about Dr. Wakefield's and Miss Wakefield's call-
They certainly have been lovely to Theodora and me - indeed everybody is-
Thanks to Mama and Papa. It is nearly time for me to go to take my
train so I must end this awful scrawl -

Be sure and don't worry about Toodles for everyone exclaims about
my healthy appearance. I certainly ne was never better in my life -
I do hope you are the same and have entirely recovered from the grip+ -

Bye bye

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