Untitled Page 520
[written] 28
[typed] May 2, '97
Nannie dearest
I don't believe there is a thing to write about this week -
itiis oozing in upon my consciousness that there is not much more
than three weeks of college left and that a large amount of work lies
lectures between the now and the then.
We are reading Browning now and it is perfectly facinating. I
spend all my spare time and a great deal that isn't spare reading.
Mrs. Sutherland Orr's life of Browning. Isn't it delightful? I
hve scarcely ever read anything I liked so much. I have been reading
Mamma's letters too - was so amused at those I wrote too when I was
housekeeper while Mama and you were east. It all brought back those
Washburn days ages ago.
This afternoon Helen, Miriam and I went to Prof. Anderson's and
had such a good time. The funny part of it was we stayed so long-
It was half past six before we started to go home and then we thought
the watch must be wrong. We were so interested talking and looking
at pictures that it never occurred to any of us that it was getting
late. Prof. A. showed us a short cut home cross fields and fences
and a stream with Robert as a guide. We met some fierce dogs that
Helen was very much afraid of, then in climbing a fence - an accomp-
lishment I have never mastered - I of course got stuck and my major
prof. had to come running back to help me over. Before we reached
home we had done everything funny even to fallying down in the waist-
high grass. Through the hired generosity of the head waiter we
managed to get quite a good dinner.
Next year Miss Gardener is to have charge of the dining room and
kitchen and great chnages are hoped for especially in the funrnish-
ings of the dining room and the goodness of the board. The board
and room rent together is to be $25. Now it is $22.50. This morning
went to church to hear a Brahmin in the chapel. He wore his white
robes and was very interesting - was ver exceedingly erudite -
seemed to have read everything. To morrow there is to be a recept-
ion for Dr. Peet at Palo Alto - I don't know whether I can go or
not but shall try.
The pink shirt waist I dressed up in today with my white duck
skirt and new hat - the pink roses mathched it exactly - I am very
beautiffully dressed since the box cam - the collars and cuffs I
like so much.
Bye bye
Your loving
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