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[written] 8

[typed] Saturday after luncheon
Feb. 6 - 917

My dear darling, Nannie

Have just read your letters and of course must talk back right
straight off. I wish to goodness I had made a record but the
only reason people are so lovely to me is because they all have such
a lovely recollection of Mamma, even Mrs. Baker who never knew her.

Yesterday afternoon Marylya Main and I went to call on the Judsons
Jordans - Mrs. Jordan did look so pretty and Edith always appears
well in her own home. Dr. Jordan came in before we left and he told
us all about his writing the poem that I send you in the Sequoia, it
is a beautiful thing, and he wrote it in the dreary little cabin of
a British man o' war. He said it had been a dark cloudy day and just
before night, a rift came in the clouds and snt a ray of light with
into his little cabin. it fell on the picture of Mrs. Jordan on his
wall and inspired himm with the poem he wrote a couple of days after.
He said he thought it was a "good poem and he guessed he liked it
better than anyone else would." He is so in love with Mrs. Jordan
and her with him that no wonder all the world loves such two lovers.

In the evening we met them again at the Roble Faculty reception
and Dr. Jordan is such an old dear when he wants to be, after he
has made the prettiest kind of a complement he says "I can't do
any better then that".

Today Helen and Alice Colt have gone into the city to do a little
shopping and to see N.....in Marie Stuart. Next Saturday Theodora
wants me to go with her which I am more than tickled to do tho' I
don't know what she is going to get. This some evening some of the
Sigma Rho Eta are coming here and we are going to have a little
dance. Yesterday Mrs. Anderson was up in the quadrangele she was
looking quite I thought, but her mothers life is really a question
of days. she feels more resigned I think as her mother looked very
philosophically upon death which is a great comfort to Mrs. Anderson.
Theodora I think is very well and very busy - full of golf and making
plans for making shirtwaists. I was glad to hear from Mrs. Start.
Our week of rain is over as today is a lovely one. Am so delighted
with the Shelley and the ribbon and the envelops and the four dollars.

Bye Bye
your Toodles.

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