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[written] 6

[typed] Sunday Morning -
Jan. 23 - '97

My dearest Nannie -

There is just a few minutes before the Episcopal Sunday morning
bus come and I will have time to begin my letter to my Nannie. After
church I am to dine with Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Cullin's sister in Palo
, and afterward Helen and I are going to call at the Anderson's
in Menlo Park and then at Mrs. Stanfords. Mrs. Anderson has her par-
alyzed bedridden mother with her, also Prof. Anderson's mother and
uncle. Prof. A. says she gets lonely with so many old people and far
away in Menlo.

Oh' the Jordan birthday party was perfectly lovely. Dr. Jordan's
46th birthday. He did look so grand and handsome and for the first
time actually appeared in a dress suit. He was a great big courtly
gallant. Mrs. Jordan was very sweet and pretty in a becoming dark
Washington gown with a good deal of crimson about it. Mrs. Stanford
was there, Prof. & Mrs. Anderson, Dr. & Mrs. Brauner, Prof. & Mrs.
, Prof, & Mrs. Murray, Prof & Mrs Smith, Prof. & Mrs. Lenox -the
four bachelor profs--Mr. Allardice, Kellog, Campbell & Young. Mrs.
and few of the girls & boys - with some of the musical people to
play, the Dully family particularly who have wonderful talent - two
brothers play on the violin, accompanied by their sister. I felt won-
derfully honored to have Dr. Stillman come up to me when I was talking
with Prof. Allardice and one or two others and tell me Mrs. Stanford
wished to speak with me. She was very lovely & gracious and was very
appreciative of the call we made. In the middle of the evening Dr.
ushered Mrs. Stanford into the dining room where there were
three immense birthday cakes with forty-six candles ablaze around
them. Edith managed the whole affair, and asked me to cut the ice-
cream. Prof. Allardice escorted me home and ended an evening I shall
never forget. One of the girls in the Hall had very seriously hurt
her eye so I spent the rest of the night till almost three o'clock
taking care of her, as her roommate was tired. The next night b was
a screeching Pasmore invitation concert, and the evening after Mrs.
had the Zete boys & Prof. & Mrs. Hudson to dinner. In the
evening we danced and made candy in Helen's chafing dish. Saturday
morning there was a meeting of the executive committee of St. Agnes
guild at Mrs. Faircloughs, and it was decided to have an informal
meeting and tea for all the members there next Saturday. I have
forgotten to say that the bus came for me yesterday when I was writ-
ing and that now it is Monday immediately after luncheon. After
church Mrs. Gilman took me home and such a good dinner as we had!
Just a roast beef dinner with best plum pudding I ever at. after-
wards wine jelly, fruit, nuts etc - with claret that this Roble chic-
ken greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Gilman has two splendid sons in their teens
and soon to enter college - one is 6 4in. tall the other 6. 2+. The
girl Mary is a healthy fourteen year old little beef eater. Mrs.
's mother was also there. All are fine looking English people
& Mrs. Gilman is lovely. Afterwards I met Helen in Palo Alto & we
took a bus to Prof. Andersons. He has a lovely home just entering
Menlo Park - a very large green house in the midst of a great field of
oak trees and the most beautiful view of both ranges of hills. Mrs.
could not leave her mother so we did not see her. But Prof.
was so lovely. His mother helped him entertain us. She is
a very old lady with a wonderfully sweet face & cultured voice and

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