Untitled Page 497
[written] Jan 17 '97 5
[typed] My dearest precious Nannie -
The handkerchiefs are lovely, and just exactly what I want and
never have enough of. Thank you so much. The "change" I shall use
in going down to see Theodora as soon as possible, so that it will do
for her as much as for me. I appreciate so much having the
marked so daintily. You are the dearest most precious Nannie that ever
lived. Bishop Nichols preached an excellent sermon but a very long one
in chapel this morning. Mr. Pecto assisted and there was only after-
noon service in Palo Alto.
Last evening Mr. Holbrook called. Mr. Abbott and I didn't go to
Palo Alto as it rained. I believe I am to have one of the Sigma Rho
Eta pictures which I shall send to you for inspection whenever I get
it. A dear letter from Theodora came to-night.
Must drop - a line to Mr. Ross, assistant librarian - who pre-
sented me with an "ascot" tie. My last two letters have been full of
"boys" lately but there has been a series of them; they come by fits
and starts so don't be alarmed. Mr. Ross is a stayed highly res-
pectable '97 man who will some day be a substantial Judge in some
town, and always very much looked up to.
Forgive the brevity of this note it is to thank you so much for
the interesting and exciting package this night's mail brought. The
Wesleyn club picture and program interested me.
Sunday Evening
January 17 - '97
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