Untitled Page 237
[written] p. 316
[typed] Dec. 11 - '96
the room in apple pie order when you are solely responsible. We are
reading Mathew Arnold now with Prof. Hudson and I am enjoying it
immensely: We are writing a paper for him on Sohrab & Rustrum, perhaps
you would be interested in know what it is to cover. The questions
are I. Who was Firdausi & what is the Shahueh-mah? (a) Why is Sohrab
and Rustrum called an episode? (b) What literary influences are shown
in the style and _____ of the poem - give illustrations.
II. To what great Greek myth does the story of Sohrab & R. show strik-
ing resemblances to. Indicate points of similarity.
III. Who was the real Eurpedicles? (a) To what extent has Arnold
faithfully followed the story in his poem?
IV. Why does he call it a dramatic poem? (a) How far is it really
dramatic? (b) What expression of Arnold himself do you find in it?
V. Point out Arnold's treatment of nature in these two poems.
VI. Indicate three or four passages in each that strike you as parti-
cularly fine and effective as poetry. How does Arnold's style impress
you generally in comparison to Keats with Rossetti?
In class he reads to us at present Oberman Once More, and in
connection with it we are to read his chapter in Culture & Anarchy on
Hebrewism and Hellenism (Chap.IV) also Walter Pater's "Marius the
Epicurean", expecially Part IV, Chap.23. And in connection with the
verses beginning "Tears washed the trouble from her face!" read Brown-
ing's Christmas Eve. Sections 11 and with the verse "Unduped of fancy,
henceforth man" must labour!." - etc. read his "God and the Bible". No
doubt you know enough to do all this naturally, but I thought I would
put in in anyway, he has given us the poems to read in order of his
development & growth from Youth to old age - if you want me to send
you the list and order I shall be happy too. The lights have gone out
so I must say good night - Theodora's vacation begins next week when
she is coming here. A heart full of love and thanks.
Your 21 yr. old,
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