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[written] p. 30 25

[typed] Roble Hall Sunday [written] Nov '96

[typed] My dearest Nannie -

Can't for the life of me think what date this is but it is a week
before this letter reaches you at most and five days at least, so
I'll leave the mathematical computation to you, as "sich like" isn't
in my college course.

Ther is but one fact of particular interest to relate this week
that I can at present think of. Lat Wednesday, Mrs. Angel called
and invited me to an informal little card party for Friday evening--
with apologies for my being the only student there; of course I was
flattered & tickled to death and accepted with utmost pleasure. By
Friday it occurred to me I had not earthly means of getting there, and
Dr. Angel said two bachelor profs were the only ones going from the
campus. But I was pretty sure Dr. and Mrs. Fairclough - the Latin
professor - would be going, and as I knew them a little from Episcopal
affairs I mustered courage to call and ask if I might go with them.
Mrs. Fairclough 5 a chirping little English woman was too lovely for
anything and said she knew I was a well bred girl for not going alone
and would be very pleased to undertake my chaperonage! So much for
your niece! I wore my crêpe waist & broadcloth skirt and did so enjoy
the pretty home lighted by candelabra & an enormous great flickering
fire in the hallway. Of course they had to go & play six-handed
euchre which paralized me as I never played it in my life, and of course
I found myself speechless for a second time at the second table with
Prof. Smith, Prof. Marx, Prof. Kellog & Campbell & Dr. Fairclough
the only girl as all the female partners had progresses. I was in
misery & was thankful when at the second bell Dr. Fairclough, Prof.
& I were victorious enough to move on to the head table where
we found Dr. Angel, Miss Peet (Dr. Peet's pretty coquetish blue eyed
daughter) & a Miss Roberts. Refreshments interrupted our victory
there, when Prof. Allardice appeared & we ate delicous fried oysters
& sandwiches, black coffee & cake together while having a very jolly
time - he is the brilliant Edinburgh mathmatician you know, who is
just as nice as he is peculiar. Soon we went home; and Dr. Fairclough
is about the loveliest man I ever met (including, I think, Charles)
he cheered up my terrified introduction to euchre in the most consi-
derate way & was so thoughtful all evening.

The lights are going out and I have thought of a million things
I wanted to say - so shall anyway - I began by not wanting my Sunday
letter delayed by procrastination which Wordsworth considered a
legitimate excuse but the lights are combining with the clock to pre-
sent in my good intentions.

The sigma sigma senior & junior inter-fraternity is going to give
a dance either the 11th or 18th and Mr. Abbot asked me for it which
I accepted as all the girls are going and it is to be a pretty party.

I missed the chance of my life to do the polite by Mrs. Stanford
last Saturday by my laziness - she was visiting the Hall & asked to
see some of the rooms - Mrs. Clements told her she would show her
mine and of course I had just gotten up and it was kicking its heels
so that by the time I had thrown things in order Mrs. Stanford was
driving off - served me just right, didn't it? I am rooming alone now
as Miriam is going to come & go every day for the rest of the term.
She has shown a wonderful insight into the depths of her sorrow by her
cheerful sameness of dress and manner just a jolly & bright as before
a fact in itself which makes you know every minute how keen & deep the
experience was.

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