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[written] p. 25 20

[typed] Stanford University, Cal.
Tuesday, September 29, 1896

My dearest Nannie -

There is only a minute before the lights go out but it will be time
to begin a line to my precious Nannie. Last Sunday, Helen & I hired an
inexpensive little rig with a good horse and drove down to San Mateo to
see and surprise Lolie. It was such fun and I never enjoyed anything
more in my life. We left here at eight o'clock, reached San Mateo at
ten-thirty & home again by six-thirty with dinner & visit with Theodora
in between. The lights went out and I went to bed so shall finish this
now. We came home about six-thirty hungry as bears after our ride -
The country is so beautiful all about here, it is an education and a
happiness just to live in it. At San Mateo we went into the beautiful
little stone Episcipol Church and saw marvelous stained glass; the first
that I ever saw in my live and the texture of the garments, the coloring
and the expressions of face & figure was wonderful.

Everything has heaped up this week but I enjoy the work all the
more - that reminds me - Prof. Hudson requires his class to get his so
new book___ so[written] may not I send it on to you when I am through with
it. I shall take good care of it & be so pleased to have you have my
copy. I don't like Hudson nearly as much now as when a Freshman, perhaps
Prof. Andersons genuiness & depth has spoiled me for Hudson's chattering

Next Saturday the Glee Club is going to San Jose, and Laura has
asked Mr. Abbott, Mr. Holbrook and me to stay in their pretty flat. There
is to be a football game in the afternoon, and so I have several errands
to do to do in S.J. I think I shall go; especially as I have a ticket
I bought for my extra baggage coming here. I forgot to say that
Gertrude had spent the night with Theodora so we saw her too when in
San Mateo.

When I was at Mrs. Dummis the last time she gave me little amateur
photo of her rose-garden to send to you - it shows the oak trees & hills
prettily in the distance. Laura comes over to the Hall for her luncheon
about all the time now which is very jolly.

Every afternoon at four there is football practice & you should
see our enormous[written] great coach from Yale! Cross is his name & he is a giant.
Also a splendid athlete.

To-day I was sadly laughed at in Shakespeare - I had to give a
report on Queen Elizabeth in Richard III and was just getting hugely
conceited because I didn't get rattled when I voluntered the information
that Henry VII didn't wish to marry the princess Elizabeth after his
accession to the throne, & when Prof. Anderson asked me why he did marry
her then. I frantically answered "because he promised" instead of saying
it was to join the houses of York & Lancaster. Prof. Anderson laughed
& so did the whole class - I am consequently unmercifully "joshed" for
my ----- & belief in mankind. The lunch bell has rung so bye-bye.

Your loving,

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