Untitled Page 218
[written] p. 18 13
[typed] Sunday - June 28 - '96
My dearest Nannie,
Your dear good letter came yesterday at noon, and Lolie and I
laughed at the "p Letitia" gratifying your most most justifiable
envy in such a unique and satisfying a way, and we both most heartily
agree with you on the collar-button question - certainly no patent device
for the promotion of patience (or the profanity) could be invented. I
have all my collars and cuffs made seperate from my shirt waists as it
greatly saves washing - I buy very high white linen collars at men's
clothing stores and like them very much as now I can get the highest in
my size 13 or 13 1/2; so I am quite sure the shirt waist that is too large
for you can be made all right for me by putting on one of my collars. I
thank you a thousand times over for the shirt waist pattern it fits me
beautifully, and this week Theodora and Louise have made me two beauties
out of the pink dotted and the striped stuff Theodora bought some time
ago. The Kerr's thread has been an equal blessing - I should speak in
the past, present and future tense, the past referring to this last week.
Mrs. Brown, the dressmaker has been here one day - Thursday, she was
ill the first part of the week and Friday & Saturday Miss McKinnon wanted
her as she has decided to spend her summer east and is going to start
to-morrow I believe, & needed Mrs. B. to get her ready. Mrs. B. got my
blue flowered waist almost done and with Theodora's excellent help almost
finished the rough & ready skirt I told you of. There proved to be
enough material & I know I shall like it hugely as it will be light will
not show spots & will be very stylish as such rough goods are going to
be the proper winter suiting. She cut out the lining for my pink crêpe
waist from which I have gotten a very good waist pattern. Am actually
going to let her plan that waist as I haven't any very good ideas for it
& she has. That is about all she is going to make for me. The petticoat
question for winter wear has settled itself as I told you in my last
letter, but I was disappointed to find, after I had put in such a pretty
trimming to my black silk petticoat, that it didn't have much wear left
in it, and what do you think I have done! With the first intention of
making a silk waist I ripped up and pressed Mama's precious little steel
blue dress but found that the waist she wore needs only[written] new sleeves and
refitting to make the prettiest and dearest waist in the world, with
some of the Persian silk that matched for stock collar when I wanted to
wear it hight; so I decided to take the best that is in the very full
skirt and make me a petticoat of it and use the rest in caps for new
sleeves. Do you think that a sacreligious use to make of it; for it will
just help out the petticoat problem & make me such a dear waist? I have
worn the gloves you sent several times I find them just what I want;
I took the 6 3/4 size and 'though they are loose now they will wash all
the better. Now we will drop the clothes subject for while. Ohl yes -
I am retrimming my navy[written] blue Coughlin hat with the asters Mama had on her
little black lace bonnet & blue quills - very stylish & pretty and I am
getting so advanced in the milliners art as to contemplate sewing it as
I find the use of pins conducive to much loss of plumage - pin feathers
not being so very secure (rather flighty in fact)! Have just tried on
the paper collar & find that is just the right size - but are you sure
you can spare it (Imean the shirt waist) for I shall have three without
it. Your blue sample is lovely.
You make my fingers itch to try and write something and I am every
so much obliged for your criticism, it is just what I want. But I think
have immense conceit to ever think of writing anything and I fairly hate
myself for such audacity. Haven't nearly finished the N___ yet as I
simply don't find time: we go to bed very early & get up early - when
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