Untitled Page 207



Status: Indexed

[written] p. 7 3

[typed] March 24 '96
Roble Hall

My dearest Nannie--

Your letter came to-night and I simply can't go to bed before
I write you even though it be on theme paper. You poor dear Nannie,
I am so sorry we have been so bad about writing, there is no excuse
for such naughtiness, and I am resolved never to do so again. We
are having our weeks vacation now. Theodora has gone to San Jose for
a day or two to see about affairs there, and I had decided to stay
here, as I had my vacation a while ago, and have not been doing my
heavy work all term. I shall probably go down to Mrs.Myncks for a
change before the week is up. I find this a gay place in vacation
time. There have been two dances already, and tennis to-morrow. The
first--the dear divinity has very successfully figured at, and me for
itself many compliments, thanks to its sweetmaker. Gradually I am
making up what I missed when absent, had a very easy examination in
W.Rev. under Dr. Howard last Friday in which I aspire to my sisters
standard of 95o/o , Am now, working on a thesis for Prof. Anderson,
on the last fourteen years of Milton's life in connection with the
Restoration. This place is perfectly beautiful now, the fields are
a cloak of gold, and the foliage of the vales so dainty and new, with
the balmiest of weather to throw a haze over everything-- !
My Lenten dilema is over, as Said Pasha is postponed till after Easter,
a week after the opera comes Junior day, which is going to be the
finest day on record, farce in the morning in which Laura, Charlotte
and I figure in one scene only, not being principal performers;
In the evening is the Junior promenade which your niece is to lead with
Mr. Herme--think of it, and in my same little organdy that Theodora
brought from the Islands. There is to be a very fine edition of the
Sequoia--the Stanford weekly, for which I have been asked to contribute
a best effort, and for the illustrations for its center picture I am
to pose. I am surprised at this req uest as I have never written
anything that anybody ever heard of. As for the pose the face is not
knowable when published, so I don't mind. My shirt waists have quite
unexpectedly failed me, and I find I have but three to finish the
term with, the winter has been so warm, that I have worn shirt waists
entirely. Theordora has given me her three lovely pieces--two pink
ones & one blue one and is going to see what Mrs.Brown a very good
seamstress will make them for, as I simply must have them, and it is
impossible to do any such thing oneself here. We are looking forward
to keeping house this vacation, and then the sewing I am going to do!
Without buying a single new thing but using the materials we have.
Last week we mailed a transferancy, hoping it will be a reminder of
the dear old quadrangle, and I do hope it will reach you safely and
in time; we have not been able to get a frame for it in San Francisco,
someone[written] suggested a ribbon frame as a substitute but did not
know that you would like it. I think I could write to my Nannie, all
night, but the lights are going out.

They are gone

Bye bye till morning--


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