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[written] p. 6 2

[typed] We had such a lovely letter from Mrs. Bliss who has been traveling
about in the West Indies. Theodora heard also from Cousin Mary
, her family seems to be just the same as usual. Bishop
confirmed a class in Palo Alto today. I didn't go down as I
thot it would tire me and I couldn't afford the afternoon for resting.
The lenten services have been twice a week in the afternoon just at the
time I have gymnasium work, which I couldn't arrange at a different
time. What a pleasant time visiting you have had, and now I suppose
that you are roaming about Bunpey Hollow & the Lake road but you can't
find a more heavenly place that this with its blue hills & green fields
flecked with poppy gold. Have not seen Gertrude & not heard from her
as I have been a scamp about writing. Mrs. Myrich dropped in on us
the other day & stayed over night. She sent much love to you. Prof.
is just the same old dear that he ever was. To-night Sankey
sings in the chapel. Theodora & I are going to hear him--do you
remember when she heard Moody in Chicago. That reminds me that we got
got August Treder's wedding cards. There goes the dinner bell--


Your Toodles

March 15 - '96
Roble Hall.

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