Untitled Page 206
[written] p. 6 2
[typed] We had such a lovely letter from Mrs. Bliss who has been traveling
about in the West Indies. Theodora heard also from Cousin Mary
Tuckerman, her family seems to be just the same as usual. Bishop
Nichols confirmed a class in Palo Alto today. I didn't go down as I
thot it would tire me and I couldn't afford the afternoon for resting.
The lenten services have been twice a week in the afternoon just at the
time I have gymnasium work, which I couldn't arrange at a different
time. What a pleasant time visiting you have had, and now I suppose
that you are roaming about Bunpey Hollow & the Lake road but you can't
find a more heavenly place that this with its blue hills & green fields
flecked with poppy gold. Have not seen Gertrude & not heard from her
as I have been a scamp about writing. Mrs. Myrich dropped in on us
the other day & stayed over night. She sent much love to you. Prof.
Anderson is just the same old dear that he ever was. To-night Sankey
sings in the chapel. Theodora & I are going to hear him--do you
remember when she heard Moody in Chicago. That reminds me that we got
got August Treder's wedding cards. There goes the dinner bell--
Your Toodles
March 15 - '96
Roble Hall.
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