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[written] 26

[typed] Short. By way of finishing touch I went out to see if I
couldn't find just one rose to put by Mana' picture and then
tried not to feel disappointed when I couldn't find one, but
aided my search by making myself go for a walk with a conceited
old school m'am who was discouraged over this morning's ex.
When I came back what was my astonishment to find in the room
a large box from Sherwood nersery directed to me, which upon
opening I found contained the daintiest mass of pink roses and
maiden hair with Helen Younger's card. I fairly squealed with
joy. By that time it was luncheon and after that we went to
Browning and had such a "soul cleansing" reading of the Blot
of the 'Scuthceon" really- Prof. Anderson is one of the grandest
characters to so fully interpret so grand a master as Brown-
and so grand a thing as the poem. He simply told us the
history of its stage appearance, quoting the opinion2of various
actors among them Brack all of who greatly admired it and then
he read the interview between Mildred and Lord Tresham, with so
much feeling. He said he could not read the curse nor most of
it because of its overwhelming pathos. After Browning, I heard
of an Anglo-Saxon ex. to-morrow in verbs and hurried home
to dig with a feeling in my hear that maybe Gertrude might
come on the afternoon train. When who should appear in a
surrey but Gertrude and Miss McR..... both laden with suspicious
baskets and boxes of which of course I was oblivious. they left
their parcels, and went to hunt up Mr. McKinsion and Theodora. by
half past four we four were in my room having such a Christmas of
a time undoing bags and boxes - in one was the most exquisite
birthday cake made by G. by your rule and with Rose in violets
on the white frosting - then from Miss McK. basket - red carnations
and a a dainty hand painted slender vase for Theodora and most

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