Untitled Page 142
[written] Theodora p. 23 a XVII
[typed] Dec. 1st, 1895
My dear Nannie -
Our ink has all given out, but I will try to write good and black
so that you won't have to guessat more than half of the words. Our
Thanksgiving vacation is over and the girls have come back to begin
work tomorrow. Gertrude wanted us to spend the day with her but
we both preferred to stay here and had a quiet day. Two of the girls
had had large boxes from their homes so they gave the dinner of
home-made goodies-I thought it was so nice of them. It poured in
the afternoon and I was so glad that we hadn't gone to the game tho'
I think Rose wanted to very much. Friday I had promised Gertrude that
I would go shopping with her in S. Francisco as I had some little
business that I had expected to have to transact with Louise butit
fell through owing to a delay in the papers reaching me. Neverthless
G. and I had a fairly successful time shopping. Gertrude got her a
seal brown broadcloth - very handsome and boots like mine and etc.
We lunched at the Palace where we had such a good steak that I didn't
feel comfortable the rest of the day. I decided that I would stay
all night with Mrs. Mytick and work on my thesis the next day taking
advantage of the Public Library which contains books that we haven(t
here at all. But the next day "cousin Emma" went down town with me
and I didn't get to the Library until 11o'clock so didn't have many
hours to work after all. Went to the Vickery's and found the collect-
ion though I did not get it, but think it will be just what you want.
It consists of 12 beautiful photogravures in the brown tints of the
various Cal. missions and a sheet explaining the history of each one
with tiny etched illustrations giving them a very artistic appearance.
It is $4.00 a set which I think very reasonable. If you want me to
get it you must let me know immediately.
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