Untitled Page 141
[written] 23
[typed] I have walked to Palo Alto nearly every(day). I was on the refresh-
ment committe for the Roble reception to the boys; rather I was the
committee. I thought at the time that I would never act in that
capacity again, but as the refreshments were better than they ever
had befor, and there was more than enough for everyone and I didn't
run them into debt I feel quite repaid for my trouble. We had straw-
berry icecream and pineapple ice with homemade walnut wafers. The
reception was a great success. Theodora wore her lavendar and I my
new waist. Next Monday Encina has invited Roble over to eat a Thanks-
giving dinner with them. In the history of the University is only
the second thing Encina has ever done, and it will be a very nice
thing. To-day there are just twenty girls in the hall - two of them
had boxes sent from home and they gave a Thanksgiving dinner to us
all - chicken, cranberry, cake, nuts, fruit, cocoa and all the
pretty dishes and silverware the hall could offer. One of the girls
did the decoration with scarlet geraniums and massed in the center
and honeysulckle spraying to the corners. The dinner cards were
footballs painted on paper. Mr. Peete had service at eight o'clock
before the train left, and Ora and I walked over to it. When we
got back I curled up and finished Anthony Hope's "Prisoner of Zenda"
Have you read it? It seems to me to be a very good blood and thunder
fairy tale. Two more hours before we can hear. It is pouring
yet. The figures on the museum have almost faded into the mist.
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