Untitled Page 138



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[written] p. 21 b. 2[circled]

[typed] think he must be a great liberator to his race.

We have been having extremely warm days - Such warm weather
for the latter part of November. I have had to take off my flann-
els which I had put on quite a while ago but have been perfectly
miserable until I got out of them. There is a great deal of tre-
pedations for fear this fine weather forbodes rain for the Thanks-
giving football game. I think Rose would very much like to see
it but it is quite unnecessary and consequently we will not take
it in.

Have not had the first fitting to my collarette yet and
thinking it about time I had written to Wallace jugging his mem-
ory a bit.


Theodora has left a sheet for me to fill and she claims to
have given out of ideas..for my part I am possessed with one and
only one and that is that I am reeling with sleep. Perhaps I
can bring my mind under sufficient control to recall the one
weekly excitement. I accepted an invitation of the Delta Tau
Deltas to a dramatic evening and dance. I had such a funny time.
I seemed to monopolize all the engaged or at least very devoted
men - My first dance with Guy Cochran while Alice C___ sat it out,
refreshments with somebody else who is very attentive to one of
the girls, and my last dance and one other with another engaged
man. The intermin were danced with various and usndry Taus etc.
and the whole evening was one of the funniest medly imaginable.
The farce was very cute and pretty as well as a dramatic recital
by one of the boys. The Browning class is such a treat, never
enjoyed anything more - and I love Prof. Anderson. Last Sunday

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