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[written] 17

[typed] cause it is a very sensitive point with her. So you see that we
escaped joining a fraternity which was rather unpleasant because
the Braly girls were so sweetly persuasive and Allis Cowen Alice Cowan was
a great inducement as she is pledged. But they have all been
just as lovely since we declined as they were before which speaks
volumes in their favor and I shall never criticise girl's frats.
again. Alice Cowen asked me to go out riding with her Wednesday
so "alls well that ends well". Another event that I forgot to
mention was...once a week Prof. Anderson in going to read to us
from Browning, there is to be no outside work and no credit, he
is simply going to read an hour to us. Isn't that lovely? It
was so lovely of you to send on the Fr. Rev. syllabus - I will re-
turn the compliment as soon as possible. Prof. Anderson asked
after you one evening when he came over to read Browning's "Saul"
to the Roble girls at Miss Thompson's request. He read it mag-
nificently. I got a beautiful letter from Helen Lathrop a week
or less ago- she sent her love to you. She is still at the hosp-
ital with her father in St. Helena. She is preparing herself to
do slum work - and is taking a course in trained nursing. She is
going to enter at St. Luke's hospital in S.F. and take a two years
course. At present she is taking a course in chemistry, physiol-
ogy, massage and nursing. She is such a beautiful noble girl,
just such a one that makes you better just to think of and whom
it is a great privilege to know. She sent me two pictures of her-
self, in one she is looking down at her Mother's picture in her
hands - it is so sweet and lovely that I am going to send it on
to you, the other one I fear she did not intend I should keep, but
only chose from. Prof. Heath went down to see about our pictures

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