Untitled Page 124



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[written] p. 12 d XIII

[typed] lingered and we were discussing one another's birthdays when in
her calm, reserved way she let fall that it was her birthday too.
Later she went to the library to study and Rose, Alice Colt and I
set our minds to work to get up a sort of mock birthday for her.
We made a past-board cake - round - and Rose spent much time making
cocoanut of tissue paper - 20 colored candles were resurrected and
we stuck them in and had it lighted in her table when she came back.
We hid behind her screen and enjoyed her appreciation immensly.
Altogether it was a most happy day and one I shall always remember,
There were so many sweet little thoughtfulnesses that are so much
more truly acceptable than costly gifts. I wore the dainty points
to dinner on my black silk waist and they looked so pretty. I am
writing this before breakfast and the second bell has rung which
means I must stop short - with a heart full of love to our dear
Nannie and a thousand thanks.

From Theodora.

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