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[written] p. 12 c XII

[typed] until the day was past! but Rose this morning tumbled the box of
delicious nuts into my bed with your good letter and I was made very
happy. And the dear little points - just what I have wanted and pre-
ttier than any of the girls wear.

O! I have had just the loveliest most unexpected kind of a birth-
day. In the first place all my lectures were perfectly enjoyable;
But at French Revolution I missed Rose, and wondered where whe was,
but when I went to our room at noon, I knew the reason. It was sweet
with flowers. Two exquisite bunches of violets and ferns - one from
Rose and another from Alice Colt,another dear girl. The pictures
were decorated with the loveliest red grape leaves - beautifully
autumned. Large white chrysanthemums in Rose's pretty vase and a most
artistic sprawling bunch of small sun flowers, in the reading room.
I was truly overcome - it was so unexpected and so like Rose. In the
afternoon Mrs. Ballington Booth the Salvation army woman spoke in the
Chapel to an immense audience. I was duly inspired - but always knew
their work was a grand one. That was the 3rd treat. Afterwards I went
to the library determined to study but my mind was too full of other
things and I thot by the time I had had the walk over to the hall I
could settle down to work there - but what was my delight to find
Gertrude there. Wasn't it lovely of her! And she had made up into
the handsomest bag - just as rich as Mrs. McGrens-the canvas she
worked for me. The silk is a beautiful quality of heavy black corded
silk and the change from the satin is a pleasant one. I was totally h
happy with it for I have wondered how I was ever to get it made, and
I needed it so much. Rose had gotten in Palo Alto a birthday cake
and after dinner 8 of the girls came in and enjoyed it with me. And
Mrs. Forte had sent each of us a delicious glass of jam so I dedicated
mine to the occasion. When the girls had all gone except Miriam and
Helen Younger ( one of the most attractice girls I have ever met)

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