Untitled Page 122



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[written] p. 12 b XI

[typed] much to our surprise. But Mrs. Miss Thompson didn't know we were out
and Mrs. B. would have taken offense if we had declined. I think she
is very anxious for us to join the Cappa fraternity. What do you think
about it
? I am not going to join! tho' I think Rose after all her
adversion is rather inclined to. Bessie showed me a collection of
Vickerey's Missions of California - exquisite - photogravures or some-
thing on that order. And I immediately thought of Miss Rhoda - wishing
so much she might have a set if she has not already been satisfied in
that direction. The next time I am in S.F. I will see how much they
are and don't you think it would be a nice thing to give her Christmas?
Last night was our Roble reception to the Profs. and I really enjoyed
it after I recovered from my stage fright. Rose had been assistant
decorator and the halls did look lovely - A profusion of Bamboo -
and little tables with flowers on them the length of the corridor - was
the refreshment room. I felt like a cat in a strange garret at first
but when my eyes got accustomed to the strange sight, I began to have
a good time. Rose had snkched (?) me into my lavendar and I felt about
as stiff as a sawdust doll. Rose wore her black silk decollté and
looked beautiful. I took Prof. Griggs bless him, out to refreshments
and the dear man said if I was doing all the work in Ethics 3- even
tho' I weren't registered if I passed the exam he would give me credit
for it. Wasn't that lovely of him, And he didn't know at all who I
was except that I was a Payne. Prof. Hudson said he would remember to
class me with the Paynes here-after . I think he thinks you are a Payne
too. Miss Jones inquired very obsequiously after you did Mrs. Mait-
. What a strong grand woman she is! I like her very much.

Tues. Oct. 22nd.

It seems as if purposely I had left my letter unsent until today,
when I could thank you for you dear cheering letter, tho' I had in fact
quite forgotten the exact day of my birthday, thinking I would forget

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