Untitled Page 117
[written] p. 9 b IX
[typed] to see Mr. Heath in the morning.
My Art History study is going to be just what I have wanted.
Our preliminary work in it ended Friday when we had to go over to the
blacksmith shop and weld iron, to get an idea of the difficulties
that the people in the iron age had to contend with in making their
decorations. Now we are going to study early Grecian art. Prof. Mil-
ler is to give us a talk on Phidias.
The Syllabi came safely and many thanks. I will return them after
the exam. They came just in the niche of time.
This afternoon, while I was studying, Mrs. Wilson came in bringing
me a little note and a tiny package from Mrs. Howell. And what do you
think was in it? Just the daintiest ruby ring you ever saw. Wasn't
it sweet and lovely of her and the girls! It seems that Marion's
husband is interested in a ruby mine - she gave me the stone - Maude
has it cut and set and Mrs. Howell brought it to me. I think nothing
ever pleased me more, for it was so sweet of them to want to do such
a thing for me. And it is such a beauty too. The Australian rubies
are darker than others and certainly this is a very rich one. It
is set simply, on a round band in a 6 pronged claw. I call it my
birthday present since it is so near the date, and I want one of
your good letters and then I shall have had a very lovely 24th birth-
Mrs. Homer and Mrs. Adams sail Thursday + but she says they hope
to make San José their home sometime again, but I doubt it.
Goodnight. Theodora.
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