Untitled Page 114



Status: Indexed

[written] 4(Rose) 8

[typed] Sunday evening, Oct. 6, 1895

My dear Nannie,

I have just two sheets of paper left so will take an exercise
in condensing. One of your postals, the North Platte one, did not
reach us till to-night as it was taken from the box by one of the
girls who misplaced it. Another that your letter refered to has not
come to us yet. How crowded with human experience your trip was. I
am so glad you arrived safe and sound and found poor Aunt Tad with
something to keep her mind occupied. Theodora and I have had a hap-
py week. N Nothing out of the ordinary nature till Friday evening
when four girls- Edith Straight, Kitty Haskell, Marylyn Maine and I,
and Herbert Straight, a Mr. Bell, and Young and McNeil and Strohnere
went bicycle riding by a harvest moon. It was the most beautiful
thing I ever did. It was as bright as day and we rode clear to Red-
wood City
and back- fifteen miles! Before we got home I could mount
and dismount with ease to say nothing of colliding with equal felicity
with my partner Mr. McNiel. We had an awfully jolly time. Saturday
Laura and Grace Clark came down in the evening to study but we went
to the Sophomore and Freshman football game and had another good
time. In the afternoon Bessie Blossom, Kenneth Macintosh and I
went over to the musuem , but Mr. Nights had gone to New York to stu-
dy law so it wasn't any fun to look at the museum and jugs. In the
evening quite against my will, I went to the Fresh.-Sophomote recep-
tion and had only a "fair to middlin"time. It was some fun to awe
the little Freshmen but that was all. Their badges were a minature
bag of salt. The soph. were a little red mortar board. I, as an
Xmas junior needed no badge! This morning Edith Straight, Kit Haskell
and Alice Hayes and I went to Palo Alto to church and stayed to
communion. Miss...(Second page missing).

...the photographer wo whom he sent our plates and he said.

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