Untitled Page 33
make a very artistic home. The main room downstairs is the music
room 23 feet long; quite the pride of Grace's heart. I came back on the
8 o'clock train this morning having had a perfectly lovely time. Mrs. Bean
"Joel", called Sunday afternoon - and Mrs. Bean inquired your address saying
she was going to write to you while visiting "Cathe". - What a cultured
woman she is - heart culture and mind culture so combined makes a rare
woman. She sent her love to you until she should herself write. Bella
is going to the business college and feels very happy to think she is
doing something. O! the time does go so fast - and the day are so
beautiful. I walk a great deal and both Rose and I are happy
the live long day. - One or two or three of the girls are very congenial
and we have very happy times together. What do you think
of my back hand writing - I am getting so that I write almost
anyway. having to scribble notes so much. Jeanie was very anxious
to get my opinion of Howard. It seems he has been quite attentive to her, and I think
she quite likes him. But Carlotta & Bella quite dislike him believing him to be
somewhat of a tody (if that spells it) And I am afraid he does put greater
stress on wealth than he would if he had not always had to economize
so much. I have had my criticisms meantime - and have given
time to say Good bye. before we are excused. - I wonder if you are
as tired waiting for the "pictures" as I am. -
Love from Theodora. -
[page turned]
Theodora Payne.
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