Untitled Page 24
[written] Sunday Evening
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. [written] October 13 - [typed] 189 [written] 5.
My dearest Nannie -
Theodora tells me she has written
her second letter to you this week & reminds me
I am lacking in my record. No doubt she has
told you all important events of the week so I
shall act as Bulletin Supplement. We are all excited
over Examination I in French Revolution next
Tuesday and my mind is densely befogged in Feudal
Rights & Incidents not to mention direct & indirect
Taxation. Last Monday was rather a gay day
for me. A [illegible] Colton & Howard [illegible] - two of Grace
Clark's friends were down from the city visiting "[illegible]"
Cotton, & they succeeded in taking up the 2nd &
3rd hours Monday morning by "treating" at Rices -
the ice-cream center, & in squandering time
generally. I had gone to French the 3rd hour, when
there was a [illegible] & Prof. Davidson said some
one instead Miss Payne where-upon I walked
out to find Grace, Laura, & the three boys, plotting
an impromptu water-melon feast to which I
immediately went regardless of French. We are
reading, by-the-way, "Le Mars an Diable" by
George Sand - a very pretty little story. Monday
after-noon Alice Corner asked me to go riding with
her in her pretty dog car, & of course I went
as I missed two rides with her before. We had
[page turned]
Theodora & I
are howing[?] scrolls[?]
in our last winter
dresses & new hats.
I'm in a fixx
about her birthday
& we have our
money & she
keeps accounts
So I can't surprise
but we called the
matinee her
birthday treat.
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