Untitled Page 22
[typed] Stanford University, Cal. 189
delight to find Gertrude there. Wasn't it lovely of her!
And she had made up into the landromat bag - just as rich
as Mrs. Mc[illegible]) the canvas she worked for me. The silk
is a beautiful quality of heavvy black corded silk and the
change from the satin is a pleasant one. I was totally happy
with it for I have wondered how I was ever to get it
made, & I needed it so much. Rose had gotten in
Palo Alto a birthday cake & after dinner 8 of the girls
came in & enjoyed it with me. And Mrs. Foote had sent each
of us a delicious glass of [illegible] so I dedicated mine to the
occasion. When the girls had all gone except
Miriam & a Helen Younger - (one of the most attractive girls
I have ever met) + lingered & we were discussing one
another's birthdays when in her calm, reserved way
she let fall that it was her birthday too. Later she
went to the library to study & Rose, Alice Colt and I
set our minds to work to get up a sort of mock
birthday for her. We made a paste board cake -
round - & Rose spent much time making cocoanut [illegible]
of tissue paper - 18 20 colored candles were resurrected
& we stuck them in & had it lighted on her table when
she came back. We hid behind her screen & enjoyed her
appreciation immensely. Altogether it was a most
happy day & one I shall always remember, there were
so many sweet little thoughtfulnesses that we are so
much more truly acceptable than costly gifts.
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