Untitled Page 284



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South of Rudesheim the geography changed quickly. The mountains melt
away, and the river runs through a wide flat valley, with small towns pretty
near continuous along the shore and rolling farmland behind them. It stays this
way into Wiesbaden where you cross the Rhein to Mainz. In Mainz we
rode through a few blocks of stores to the cathedral - large and sort of a composite
of several styles, very nicely put together somehow, built of soft red marble.
Unfortunately it is closed for restoration, so we couldn't see the inside, which is
said to be quite interesting. About a block away is a statue of Johannes of
Gutenberg, who was born and printed his famous book here in Mainz. After
seeing this we rode out here to the hostel.

Tomorrow we ride on to Worms (50 km) which is said to be a very interesting
city - bishop's seat, religious history, etc. Then the next day on to
Heidelberg, and mail again at last! It's been a long week, though I seem
to be surviving somehow. And then only 3 days after we leave Heidelberg we'll
be back to the Burg and regular mail again - hooray! I've really missed
the continuous exchange during these two weeks, although it was unavoidable.
I hope my letters to you have been fairly regular darling. I should have
quite a stack when I get back at least, including a few from right after I left.
And maybe even several in Heidelberg - I hope so!

Well darling, that's the news for today. I love you very much my dearest
darling. Say how's your top secret coming - you haven't said a word in ages
about it? And once again did you get a scholarship or not? I'm just about
busting right now with a TOP SECRET of my own - you may hear about it
in a couple of weeks if all goes well. Tis a sort of pleasant surprise too!!!!
But you won't get a word out of me so don't try any long distance persuasion. Just
keep your fingers crossed along with me, and maybe you'll soon find out what
it's all about! Anyway, I love you, darling, very, very, very much. G'night
and sweet dreams, all of us.
All my love,
Your George

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