Untitled Page 19
January 10
1935 Thurs. work all day. Wrote [] called
her tonight. miss her like the devil. She wants me to
quit []. went to a show tonight. turning
in rather up out at 12. Rained all day. Puts more
January 10
1931. Sat. Played my first game of golf
today made about 150 on the Stanford
course it's a good game judging from
the sample.
January 10
1932 Sun. Got up at 9:30. Cleaned myself this
morning. Studied Hist & Econ this after noon. Went
to a first show then finished my econ. Listened to Rodin
& Reed "Old Mother Hubbard" by Harry Conn till 11:30 Turned in.
January 10
1933 Tues. Up at 8 Studied acc. til 10 class, Rushing
at noon, Acc, Lab and exc this afternoon. Rushing\
tonight, meeting, etc. Things are [freaking] for us
a little better now. May get by O.K. Turning in 11:45
January 10
1934 Weds. Up at 7:30 - 4 classes this AM. Josh "Curley" Haring
to Calif this P.M (traveling for.) Rushing morn night. Doesn't
look too good right now. Studied for International law quiz
tonight, Saw Louise for a short time. Rushing "two" ways
sure cuts into our time together. Turning in at 12:15 sort of pooped.
January 11
1935 Fri. work as usual. today studying
tonight I get [] as the devil from work till about
8:30 & can't do a thing between these times.
Joe wants to come down tonight I worried & said no! felt like a [twerp] for it but don't [] unless I'll be this []
January 11
1931. Studied again today as I did
yesterday, day before, etc. [Hans] and I clean open the skyline in his car during
a rest period.
January 11
1932 Went to class this morning. Studied this afternoon & tonight that is all.
January 11
1933 Wed. Didn't go to FB today. Rushing, studying,
and classes till 2:30 P.M. Pooped. Our class has
been all set twice now and broken twice today.
God knows what will happen. Hope we come out O.K.
January 11
1934. Thurs. [Four] classes & one lousy Quiz. Spent all
day studying. Girls rushing is just about over. Louise & I
may be able to see each other after for a change now also
she can get a little work & rest I hope. Went to a
second show tonight. Turning in 11:30. Sort of pooped.
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