Leland Stanford Papers


Leland Stanford Papers
Correspondence, telegrams; business, legal, financial, and official papers; speeches, journals, and newsclippings; and other materials relating to the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad, Stanford's political career, business and financial interests, and the founding and construction of Stanford University.


Abraham Lincoln (copies)

Abraham Lincoln (copies)

endorsement of Dr. William Rabi by Stanford and Ira P. Rankin 1861 April 5; Stanford's list of candidates for federal appointments 1861 [?] April; letter of introduction for Huntington 1861 Nov 29; would like to be consulted over appointment of Circuit Judge for California 1862 Feb 25; letter of...

13 pages: 84% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 15% needs review)
Bills and receipts

Bills and receipts

furniture bill, New York, 1883; various livery and veterinary bills in Washington, DC, 1893; jewelry bills, Paris, 1881 Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/ph548sb6142 Title: Bills and receipts Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 Type: Text Type: bills of exchange Date:...

14 pages: 14% complete (0% indexed, 93% transcribed, 79% needs review)
Central Pacific Railroad Company: deeds

Central Pacific Railroad Company: deeds

1865, Oct. 28: Winchester to Karchner; 1867, July 29: CPRR to Barker; 1870, Sept. 20: Certificate of Register of Land Office - Marquis C. Winchester; 1871, May 29: CPRR to Bader; 1871, July 19: CPRR to Wilcoxson; 1871, Nov. 13: Wilcoxson to Barker; 1871, Nov. 22: Barker to Karchner; 1873, March...

49 pages: 63% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 37% needs review)
Central Pacific Railroad Company: telegraph books

Central Pacific Railroad Company: telegraph books

Two books of telegrams; Typescript copies of other telegrams (source unknown) Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/wk155zk0409 Title: Central Pacific Railroad Company: telegraph books Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 Contributor: Central Pacific Railroad Company Type:...

98 pages: 7% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 93% needs review)


Personal checks, most made out to Jane Stanford or to "Self," 1867, 1888- 1893; includes one to Chester Griswood, of the American Protective Tariff League1867-1893 Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/zy839mx2693 Title: Checks Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 Type:...

13 pages: 23% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 77% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - B

Correspondence (incoming) - B

Bank of CA: 1/2/1869 notes to Selby & others charged to Stanford; Barton: 5/7/1889 on problem facing wine grape growers; Bellows: 1/19/1865 introduction of Johannes Schlarbaum, engineer; 4/20/1872: introduction of Miss LeClercg; Benchley: 5/31/1893 reference for Albert Scheer; Berry: 5/9/1892 LS...

32 pages: 81% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 19% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - Bo-Bz

Correspondence (incoming) - Bo-Bz

Boardman, Mrs.; Boyce, Mrs. A. A.; Boyce, H. H.; Boyd, James H.; Briggs, R. S.: 5/15/1889 on costs of stone for Encina Hall; Brown, H. A.; Brown, Wilfred L.: 10/14/1886 on stone in Alameda quarry; Buckler, T. H.; Bullock, Robert W. Metadata: Available Online:...

28 pages: 89% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 11% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - C

Correspondence (incoming) - C

Calkins, C. G.; Cambern, S. M.; Cilley, Henry; Cilley, Mrs. Henry; Claghorn, Henry S.; Clark, E. A. : 11/24/1888 on his idea of gallery of painting on evolution; Clark, Willie; Clarke, Samuel J.; Clay, Cecil; Clements, Mrs. M. R.; Cluth, A. A.; Coleman, R. A.; Conway, Richard M. : 12/23/1885 has...

34 pages: 97% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 3% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - F-G

Correspondence (incoming) - F-G

Fairchild, James H.; Fargo, F. F.; Fitzsimmons, P.A.; Flournoy, Jno. A.; Francis, Prof.; Galloway, Mason; Gommo, Eliza; Gore & Company: 7/9/1889 on paving the quadrangle; Grant, J. D.; Gregg, V. A.; Gruber, F.; Gunlogsen, Albert H. Metadata: Available Online:...

23 pages: 91% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 9% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - G

Correspondence (incoming) - G

Gage: 7/2/1890 public opinion of Stanford, political news, Huntington and Crocker; 3/9/1893 [tel] birthday greetings; Gibbons, Cardinal: 3/2/1889 requesting assistance for Mr. James R. Randall; Gibbons, John: 4/13/1891 encloses letter from Fr. Casanova re statue of Fr. Junipero (attached);...

16 pages: 93% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 6% needs review)
Displaying works 1 - 10 of 53 in total

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