Fragment of a Carolingian compilation on the Psalms

This leaf is one of two Stanford-owned leaves originating from the same dispersed book. The texts on the two leaves appear to have been compiled as prefatory matter, either before a commentary or preceding a Psalter. They include a hitherto unrecorded commentary on the Psalms, apparently of Carolingian authorship, and an early appearance of a prologue attributed to Bede, or pesudo-Bede. This leaf contains part of a commentary on the psalms, which begins as text 4 on the first in this folder. The text begins "delectatio terrore iuxta conpugeretur" and ends "Quid utique inpossible est ut quis." This commentary is included in Bede's Dubia et Spuria, Patrologia Latina 93, cols. 477-80. It was See also M0389. Box 1, Folder 02, Item 1.




delectatio terrore mixta conpun| ger(etur). Inter(rogatio). Solus david psal| -mos fecit a et alii. R(es)p(onsio). Nonsolus sed asaph et idithun etaeman filii quoque chore quib(us) peccatum patris non obfuit quominus leuitae ex eius genere permanerent. Et quibus et hi erant qui psalmos fecerunt. In salomone quoque titulatur unus. moysi hominis d(e)i unus. siue unde| -cim iuxta hebreos qui aiunt sequen| -tes psalmos usq(ue) ad nona

Last edit 8 months ago by AnaMaria


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