This collection consists of letters, diaries and other documents from the Steinbeck family. The materials document their experiences as missionaries in Palestine and their experiences during the Civil War in America.
John A. Steinbeck's diary, primarily during the Civil War, handwritten mainly in pencil, leather-bound, over 200pp, [195] 1859-1862
John Adolf Steinbeck's diary from 1859-1862. The first 13 pages of the diary are short testimonials written and signed by people who heard John Adolf Steinbeck's lectures on Palestine in New York and New Jersey in 1859. The majority of the rest of the diary are his experiences as a soldier...
282 pages: 59% complete (54% indexed, 100% transcribed, 40% needs review)
Passport of Sarah Dickson in connection with journey to the Holy Land from the U. S., oversized documents, 2pp, [200] 1853-09-23
Sarah Eldridge Dickson's passport, granted on September 23, 1853 in Washington, D.C. and signed by Secretary of State William Learned Marcy. The passport has a note from the United States consul in Jerusalem, John Warren Gorham, dated May 27, 1858. There is also a note signed by the consul,...
4 pages: 75% complete (50% indexed, 100% transcribed, 25% needs review)